The Shrill Collective presents: “The Rat King” by L.R. Wild. “The Rat King” is a serialized, thriller, fiction podcast that weaves magical... more
Part Seven: Escape from the Garden In our final episode, Daphne hastens to outpace her stalker, uncovering alarming details. As Daphne... more
Part Six: There’s a Storm Brewing After six years of dormancy, Daphne’s antagonists resurface with renewed vigor. Political and civil unrest... more
Part Five: Let’s Make a Deal Daphne digs deep and takes some unique advice about her problems, resulting in a surprising... more
That's right! You can now show your love for our favorite subterranean underlord by getting your very own "The Rat... more
Hey listeners! We're taking a mid-season hiatus. The Shrill Collective will be back with Episode 5 of "The Rat King"... more
Part Four: A Pretty Okay Species While Daphne bravely explores new depths, we hear some different perspectives on her dilemma. Daphne... more
Part Three: A Pivotal Moment Daphne’s stalker and the rats push boundaries, and Daphne meets an ally and an opponent. As... more
Part Two: There’s Always a Gap Daphne moves into a new home, meets a mysterious cast of characters, and receives the... more
Part One: Of Mice and Men After many years of relative peace, Daphne finds herself in the midst of two familiar... more
The Rat King is a serialized, thriller, fiction podcast that weaves magical realism with urban mythology. As Daphne attempts to... more
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