People are done dancing around the topic of trauma. They're ready to face this square-on. None of the current systems are getting to... more
What does it mean that our behaviors, conscious and unconscious, serve as state propellers, actually giving us exactly what we... more
Why are empaths more susceptible to experiencing trauma than most? Are you a sensitive person? Are you an empath with... more
What can we do about the brain inflammation that holds us back in fog, fatigue and trauma responses? To help... more
As you know, this is a very special episode. We're both at the two year anniversary and the 100th podcast... more
Why should medicine consider trauma as a diagnosis of inclusion and not just when nothing else is found wrong? The... more
In this episode, I want to teach on an important topic that is either commonly misunderstood or just missed, muscle... more
How do we restore the gut microbiome that has been affected by trauma, stress and nervous system dysregulation? In this... more
Does the overwhelm and experience of trauma create a pre-existing state in our nervous system that sets the stage for... more
Does trauma affect our methylation process and our body's capacity to detox? Trauma doesn't just live in our minds; it... more
How can we better manage anxiety by decreasing adrenaline levels through our food and eating habits? In this episode, we... more
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