Archive is an investigative documentary series hosted by Tommie Trelawny and Nicky Anderson. Following the success of The Interruption, listeners can expect... more
After months of twists and turns, Tommie and Nicky arrive at the end of their journey into Cicada 3301. What... more
Despite ominous warnings from the ‘Cicada Solvers’ Discord Community, Nicky gets in contact with the alleged founder of Cicada 3301.... more
On a late April evening Nicky is about to close her laptop when she stumbles across a YouTube video about... more
Years have passed since the internet last heard from Cicada 3301. Tommie joins the 'Cicada Solvers' Discord Community to see... more
Liberty. Privacy. Security. These are the values that Cicada 3301 fight for. Tommie decided to delve into the murky world... more
The complexity of each set of Cicada 3301’s puzzles astounded everyone. Even the minute details seemed forensic... All we know... more
In January 2012, a cryptic post appeared online, seeking ‘highly intelligent individuals.’ What followed became known as Cicada 3301, the hardest... more
In 2012, a mysterious organisation known as Cicada 3301 announced itself to the world with a cryptic post seeking ‘highly... more
On a freezing January evening, Tommie and Producer Nicky wait in a carpark for a stranger.The Interruption is solved. They... more
Forty-five years later, Tommie has gone on a journey through UFO Religions, talking to alien impersonators, psychic illusionists and travelling... more
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