Advice to help you live the life you deserve! I’m Dr. Larry Cornett, a psychologist who loves to study and understand what... more
I’m not doing well. Every day, I read about some new horrific event in the news. It stresses me out,... more
Took a long hike in our local national forest yesterday. It was a cold, rainy day, so we had the... more
This seems strangely familiar I studied a bit of history in college, and it affected me forever. In particular, one... more
We are experiencing a stressful time in America. It doesn’t matter who you support or who you voted for; the... more
Guess how much a provider billed me for a recent medical expense (an angiogram)? Oh, I should first explain that... more
Over the 33+ years of our marriage, my wife and I have noticed something: * When I’m down, she’s up.... more
My old friends canceled on me yet again. We’ve been trying to have lunch or dinner together for years, and... more
My youngest son recently turned 21. So, we’re done parenting, right? 😂I used to think that—before we had children. However,... more
I tire of hearing the usual BS about homeschooling. I recently mentioned that we homeschooled our children and received the... more
By the way, I recorded this episode with my new microphone, and I love it! It’s the Audio-Technica AT2035 Cardioid... more