A podcast for those who love Scripture memory, who want to memorize what matters! Join Josh Summers on his journey to memorize... more
We're all human, and even if we want to be in "growth mode" in all areas of our life all... more
Is it possible that Jesus used memory palaces to teach his disciples and remind them of His miracles? Learn how... more
Have you ever thought critically about WHY you use a particular Bible translation? Today, we talk with pastor and writer... more
It's been 8 months of waiting, but we're excited to finally share the finished product. Josh's new book, Memorize What Matters:... more
We're just days away from the publication of my new book on Bible memory! Here's what you need to know... more
This is a MUST LISTEN! Memorizing the book of Job may sound hard - and it is - but Cambridge... more
From kids to adults, we design our language around the things we hear, read and watch. So what does it... more
Have you ever wanted to start a Bible memory group but just haven't been able to make the leap? Janet... more
Author and speaker Janet Pope shares practical advice for starting a scripture memory group, the transformational impact of memorizing scripture,... more
How do you handle seasons of spiritual drought when you don't feel like opening your Bible? Listen as Dakota Lynch... more
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