Whether you are a professional corporate employee or a startup entrepreneur, good communication and presentation skills are widely accepted as critical success... more
Şebnem Dağ Güven goes into the importance of storytelling in sales and how she goes about training her people in... more
Alex Smith of basicarts.org talks about the two stories every company needs, and how important having a well-defined strategy is... more
In today's episode, Rick Pizzoli returns with valuable suggestions for startup companies who are moving from founder-led sales to a... more
This episode's guest is Rick Pizzoli, the CEO of Sales Force Europe. Rick goes into things like what prompts a... more
Alper goes into the three mistakes he sees people making all the time. Learn what these are, don't make them,... more
Yalın Yüregil goes into various aspects of selling into another country, specifically the importance of addressing operational issues you think... more
Matt goes into what he took away, from a recent interview, about building trust. He touches on commitment (hat tip... more
Vlad Cazan, co-founder of Romania's KFactory, goes into his company's efforts to sell in other countries, particularly into the UK.... more
Bertay Fişekçi, employee engagement expert extraordinaire, goes into his public speaking journey, starting with what initially prompted him to work... more
Matt and Alper blow out the carbon (a phrase an old family friend of Matt's used to use to mean... more
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