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Behind the Sun
Behind the Sun
Message Heard

In Behind the Sun, Nadia, a young Syrian woman in the diaspora, struggles to come to terms with what the world knows... more

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Episode 6: From Behind the Sun

After receiving an unexpected visit, Riyad is finally free and wants his life back after being imprisoned for 21 years.... more

17 May 2022 · 36 minutes
Episode 5: The Search

Diab returns to Syria to be part of the revolution and witness a dream come true but is faced with... more

10 May 2022 · 48 minutes
Episode 4: Erebus

Still in detention, Riyad needs surgery but has no family in Syria to help him. Diab, now free, ignores his... more

03 May 2022 · 50 minutes
Episode 3: Icarus

During the revolution, Syrians rise and fill the streets calling for freedom and dignity, while the Assad regime used detention... more

26 Apr 2022 · 47 minutes
Episode 1: Unsafe Haven

Nadia and Riyad explore the true meaning of "safety and justice" in Syria. He tells her the story of his... more

19 Apr 2022 · 45 minutes
Episode 2: The Playbook

Diab & Riyad tell the story of their experience during the ten-month-long riot and rebellion inside Sednaya military prison in 2008. Nadia explains how the regime’s brutal... more

19 Apr 2022 · 42 minutes
Trailer: Behind the Sun Podcast

Nadia, a young Syrian woman in the diaspora, struggles to come to terms with what the world knows about what’s... more

10 Apr 2022 · 2 minutes
Behind the Sun
Episode 6: From Behind the Sun
Behind the Sun
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