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Beyond Knowing
Beyond Knowing
Nathanael Somanathan

There is more to life than knowing, there is more to the Christian Faith and spirituality than acquiring information. "Beyond Knowing" is... more

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#04 - Church and State Relations, Genesis, and the Patriarchal Narratives w/ Ivor Poobalan

Dr. Poobalan discusses the on-the-ground experience of the Sri Lankan crisis and shares his insights into the lessons for the... more

02 Jul 2022 · 40 minutes
#03 - The Crisis in Sri-Lanka, the Church, and the Christian Response

Sri Lanka is facing a dire economic crisis and an unprecedented people's movement that is seeking reform at the same... more

03 May 2022 · 24 minutes
#02 - w/ Dr. Mano Emmanuel

In this episode, I talk to Dr. Mano Emmanuel about the experience of women in seminary and church, her book... more

05 Apr 2022 · 38 minutes
#01 - Introduction

In this first episode, I talk about the purpose and aim of the podcast. I explain the ethos and thinking... more

23 Mar 2022 · 15 minutes
Beyond Knowing
#04 - Church and State Relations, Genesis, and the Patriarchal Narratives w/ Ivor Poobalan
Beyond Knowing
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