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Vying for Talent
Vying for Talent
The Brookings Institution / Center for Strategic and International Studies

Vying for Talent is a podcast about the role human talent plays in the sprawling competition between China and the United States.... more

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America’s human capital edge

In the capstone episode of the Vying for Talent podcast miniseries, co-hosts Jude Blanchette and Ryan Hass are joined by... more

23 Feb 2023 · 36 minutes
How Indiana competes for human capital

In the latest episode of “Vying for Talent,” Indiana Governor Eric Holcomb discusses how the United States can “get regional”... more

02 Feb 2023 · 43 minutes
Lessons from the US Space Force on creating an agile talent model

In the latest episode of Vying for Talent, co-hosts Jude Blanchette and Ryan Hass are joined by Katharine Kelley, the... more

10 Nov 2022 · 37 minutes
Can US higher education maintain its global competitiveness?

How can U.S. higher education maintain its edge in attracting global talent? In the latest episode of “Vying for Talent,”... more

15 Sep 2022 · 47 minutes
Strengths and weaknesses of China’s national human capital development

In the fourth episode of "Vying for Talent," Dr. Yingyi Ma, a professor of sociology at the Maxwell School at... more

25 Aug 2022 · 46 minutes
How the Defense Department is pursuing a culture of innovation

How does human capital impact America’s national security? In the latest episode of “Vying for Talent,” U.S. Deputy Secretary of... more

21 Jul 2022 · 30 minutes
How to safeguard America’s national competitive edge in STEM talent

In the second episode of “Vying for Talent,” former Energy Secretary Steven Chu weighs in on U.S. science and technology... more

09 Jun 2022 · 41 minutes
Can semiconductor manufacturing return to the US?

In the first episode of “Vying for Talent,” Morris Chang, the founder of Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC), shares the... more

14 Apr 2022 · 42 minutes
Introducing Vying for Talent, a podcast about the role human talent plays in the U.S.-China competition

Vying for Talent is a podcast about the role human talent plays in the sprawling competition between China and the... more

22 Mar 2022 · 1 minute
Vying for Talent
America’s human capital edge
Vying for Talent
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