HAUNTED: The Audio Drama tells the story of reclusive alcoholic writer James Hunter, bubbly enthusiastic podcaster Abigail Corbin and police officer Dan... more
A quick "Merry Christmas" to all of our loyal Haunted listeners as well as an update regarding some delays to... more
The final chapter of The Last Indigo arrives as James and Karl head to the Rosewood Institute to try and... more
The final part of The Last Indigo releases this Sunday! In this preview clip the stage is set for a... more
Remembering the way they left her at the orphanage, Cassandra decides to continue her mission and kidnaps Jade, not before... more
Karl's attempt to help Cassandra regain her memories backfires in this preview clip of our upcoming episode! Get bonus content... more
Realising the true horror of Mother's "cleansing ritual" the gang are forced to escape alongside James and Karl's long lost... more
Haunted returns this Sunday for the next instalment of "The Last Indigo". Here is just a small taste of what... more
Following Ronnie's advice, James and Karl go to the church to speak to somebody called "Mother." Fearing that this may... more
Jade and Karl have a heart to heart and Jade opens up about her own mysterious nature in this sneak... more
Our Autumn special continues as James and Karl meet Jade who leads them to a dead body laying in the... more
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