A science fiction, horror audio drama podcast that follows Silas Caldwell, a linguist, who finds himself employed by VINCULA, a biotech company... more
Silas prepares to depart for Yanus with Nico on Operation Spear of Vesta. Unfortunately for both of them, the base... more
Silas prepares to depart for Yanus with Nico on Operation Spear of Vesta. Unfortunately for both of them, the base... more
Silas's circuitous journey of translation leads to the end of the Akkadian text. Beckett orders a general retreat, which Cassius... more
Silas resumes his translation, from the beginning this time, and under new management. Alpha team accompany Theta team to Depth... more
Silas is questioned by a mysterious person. Elizabeth helps Evelyn on June's behalf. Then, Alpha meets with Director Beckett to... more
Yanus base finally achieves a breakthrough. The remaining Breachers make their way through the caves of Depth 7, hoping to... more
The Breachers return to the safety of their oasis on Depth Seven, only to find it has been irrevocably altered.... more
The Breachers continue exploring the dark underbelly of Depth Seven, and find the source of the strange noises they heard... more
With Silas freed from his coma, Alpha discusses their situation and prepares for next steps. Silas catches up with the... more
Cassius encounters a new (old?) face. June and Evelyn discuss their slim hope for Alpha's return, while Beckett prepares measures... more