Writer Grace Timothy explores what it’s really like to live with ADHD with other women and non-binary people. ----- I was diagnosed with ADHD... more
Right up to the age of 37, I wondered: what is wrong with me? Why do I always feel like I am... more
Relationships are bound to be impacted by ADHD, and if you’re living with your partner and they’re therefore privy to... more
Relationships are bound to be impacted by ADHD, and if you’re living with your partner and they’re therefore privy to... more
Welcome to the second episode in our deep dive into learned helplessness with stylist, editor and author of Style &... more
Today I speak to the stylist, editor, podcaster and author of Style & Substance, Bay Garnett, just one year on... more
In the first of this 2-parter on autism and ADHD, we established how to two differ, what symptoms they share,... more
The prevalence of ASD is higher in patients with ADHD than in the general population. That said, the research into the dual-diagnosis is still... more
‘People with ADHD will burn out more quickly, because it takes them more effort and mental work to do what... more
In this episode, we turn the tables slightly and I become the interviewee because I’ve got some home truths to... more
In this mini episode Grace has an update for listeners. Books I’ve been reading: The Mini ADHD Coach by Alice Gendron Scatter... more