Living The Next Chapter: Inspiring Conversations with Amazing Authors and Writers - Better Questions, Better Conversations, Better ConnectionsAre you an avid reader... more
EPISODE 497 - Jacob Lawson - Make It Extraordinary - 27 Life-Changing Lessons That Will Elevate You Beyond the Ordinary... more
EPISODE 496 - Sean Hagerty - Retired Special Operations Soldier and Author of JONES POINT About the author ... more
Episode 495 - Jodie Kennedy - Clumsy Beauty - Hear I love you in every little moment J. K.... more
EPISODE 494 - Donny Young - The 4MIDABLES, Inspector Gadget, The Cannonball Run Movie and Putting Yourself Out ThereWriter for... more
Episode 493 - Phyllis Gobbell - PRODIGAL, a Southern novel that echoes an ancient Biblical storyPhyllis Gobbell’s writing career spans... more
Episode 492 - AJ Whitney - Sovereign, When Your Number is Up - Orphans Face A Dire FateAJ Whitney is... more
Episode 491 - Steven Joseph - Fiction, Nonfiction Author, Possibly Cranky, Lawyer and Run-On Sentences Embracing the Culture, Celebrating... more
EPISODE 490 - Stacia Moffett - Lost and Found in Tennessee, set in rural Radford, Tennessee in the 1950s, Jim... more
EPISODE 489 - Author Darlene Campos Shares the Amazing Story of Holocaust Survivor Pete Philipps Hello! Hola! I'm Darlene... more
EPISODE 488 - Mick Heyman - Reduce Your Anxiety, Mellow Your Money, and the Rule of 72 Mick Heyman,... more
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