In the news media, war gets more headlines than peace, conflict more airtime than reconciliation. And in our polarized world, reporting on... more
Can a podcast help bridge political divides? "A Braver Way" host Mónica Guzmán thinks so.
Psychologist Peter T. Coleman empowers each of us to fight cynicism and restore relationships across the political divide.
A veteran peacebuilder and scholar, Qamar-ul Huda is the author of Reenvisioning Peacebuilding and Conflict Resolution in Islam.
"Nature knows no political borders. " - David Lehrer
"My freedom as a Palestinian will not be built on Jewish graves. It has to pass through Jewish hearts,... more
Veteran mediator Mark Gerzon says it's time to get practical about peace.
Search for Common Ground founder John Marks utilized principles of social entrepreneurship and media production know-how to build the world's... more
While filming ritual reconciliation processes in Sierra Leone, peacebuilder and philanthropist Libby Hoffman learned that justice for Sierra Leonians isn't... more
Lena Slachmuijlder is harnessing trust-building tech design to stop online harms that lead to real world violence.
Gloria Laker Aciro, who cut her teeth covering the civil war in her native Uganda, is director of the Peace... more
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