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Making Peace Visible
Making Peace Visible
Making Peace Visible Inc.

In the news media, war gets more headlines than peace, conflict more airtime than reconciliation. And in our polarized world, reporting on... more

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How do we make peacebuilding mainstream?

Veteran mediator Mark Gerzon says it's time to get practical about peace.

10 Sep 2024 · 36 minutes
John Marks, pioneering the use of media to promote peace

Search for Common Ground founder John Marks utilized principles of social entrepreneurship and media production know-how to build the world's... more

03 Sep 2024 · 29 minutes
Film as a catalyst for reconciliation in Sierra Leone

While filming ritual reconciliation processes in Sierra Leone, peacebuilder and philanthropist Libby Hoffman learned that justice for Sierra Leonians isn't... more

27 Aug 2024 · 32 minutes
Designing tech for trust in a polarized world

Lena Slachmuijlder is harnessing trust-building tech design to stop online harms that lead to real world violence.

13 Aug 2024 · 35 minutes
From war reporter to peace journalist in Uganda

Gloria Laker Aciro, who cut her teeth covering the civil war in her native Uganda, is director of the Peace... more

30 Jul 2024 · 27 minutes
Elevating nonviolent narratives in Hollywood

Kate Folb, director of the Center for Hollywood Health and Society, works to bring stories of heroes without guns to... more

16 Jul 2024 · 30 minutes
Can the UN 'save us from hell'?

How important is the UN to peacebuilding, and what is the mainstream media missing?

02 Jul 2024 · 30 minutes
Democracy Works: Youth activism gets pragmatic

David Hogg, survivor of the 2018 Parkland, Fl school shooting, speaks about his activism with March for Our Lives, and... more

18 Jun 2024 · 34 minutes
How do you measure peace?

How do you measure peace in a country?

04 Jun 2024 · 27 minutes
Teaching Peace Journalism in Lebanon

Vanessa Bassil is the founder and president of the Media Association for Peace, and has personally trained journalists and journalism... more

21 May 2024 · 33 minutes
Making Peace “Possible” with William Ury

William Ury is one of the world’s most influential peacebuilders and experts on negotiation.

07 May 2024 · 47 minutes
Tales of Tibetan resilience and resistance in exile

Journalist Amy Yee's book Far from the Rooftop of the World: Travels among Tibetan Refugees on Four Continents follows... more

23 Apr 2024 · 35 minutes
Decoding dehumanization in the brain

Brain science opens up a new understanding of how conflicts arise, and how to prevent violence.

09 Apr 2024 · 36 minutes
Understanding intergenerational trauma in Israel/Palestine

Journalist and researcher Lydia Wilson helps us understand the Israel/Palestine conflict through a lens of intergenerational trauma.

26 Mar 2024 · 32 minutes

A bi-weeky podcast about peace and conflict in the media

18 Mar 2024 · 2 minutes
In search of good conflict

From street gangs to Congress, writer Amanda Ripley studied how to turn intractable conflicts into workable ones.

12 Mar 2024 · 32 minutes
Reporting from Iran with a bias towards peace

Journalist Reza Sayah says the corporate news model often works to perpetuate conflicts. But, another way is possible.

27 Feb 2024 · 36 minutes
Refugees and immigration: what’s missing from the narrative

Guest Dina Francesca Haynes is an immigration and human rights attorney with decades of experience around the world.

13 Feb 2024 · 32 minutes
Telling murder stories differently

By retelling an old story about murder and police misconduct in a new way, a newspaper provides an opportunity to... more

30 Jan 2024 · 22 minutes
Why we make this show: An interview with Jamil Simon

This week our host Jamil Simon is in the guest chair.

16 Jan 2024 · 32 minutes
All the peace we cannot see

Peace is happening, whether we can see it or not.

02 Jan 2024 · 36 minutes
Democracy Works: Between Democracy and Autocracy

New research shows that civil wars are mostly likely to begin neither in autocracies nor democracies, but in countries that... more

19 Dec 2023 · 31 minutes
Unmasking American myths about war and the military

Why do Americans accept a militarized status quo, and is it making the world any safer?

05 Dec 2023 · 36 minutes
Storytelling with equal-opportunity empathy

Guest Trey Kay is host of Us & Them, an award-winning  narrative podcast about America’s culture wars, in partnership with... more

28 Nov 2023 · 34 minutes
In Modi's India, journalists must toe the line or risk jail time

With the erosion of democratic freedoms in India, independent journalists have become enemies of the state.

07 Nov 2023 · 36 minutes
How do we design for peace?

In this episode, we look at a different way of creating space for peace: design.

24 Oct 2023 · 25 minutes
Un-embedding Western narratives about Afghanistan

Dutch journalist Bette Dam covered the war in Afghanistan for 15 years. Now she's on a mission to counter Western... more

10 Oct 2023 · 32 minutes
Inside comms strategy at the world's largest peacebuilding NGO

We thought it was time to speak with someone whose job it is to make peace more visible.

26 Sep 2023 · 32 minutes
Spotlight Colombia: Moving forward with wounds still fresh

Crisis Group analyst Elizabeth Dickinson says Colombians are healing the wounds of a civil war with the FARC, even... more

12 Sep 2023 · 35 minutes
Spotlight Colombia: After demilitarization, a new narrative

For Colombia’s peace agreement to be successful, society as a whole needs to embrace it, says journalist Daniel Salgar.

30 Aug 2023 · 28 minutes
Making Peace Visible
Un-embedding Western narratives about Afghanistan
Making Peace Visible

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Dutch journalist Bette Dam covered the war in Afghanistan for 15 years. Now she's on a mission to counter Western bias in... more