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The Unfiltered History Tour
The Unfiltered History Tour
VICE World News

In school you learn about museums but you’re never taught to question how their collections ended up in their hands. According to... more

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Ashurbanipal is the greatest king Assyria has ever known. Now the Assyrian people don’t even have a homeland to return... more

08 Dec 2021 · 15 minutes
Birdman and Boinayel

Only one percent of the British Museum’s collection is on display at any one time. These artefacts, originally belonging to... more

08 Dec 2021 · 13 minutes
Akan Drum

No one knows exactly how this apentemma – an Akan drum originally from Ghana – ended up in British hands,... more

08 Dec 2021 · 11 minutes
Amaravati Marbles

The Amaravati Marbles were once part of a holy Buddhist stupa in India. They were ripped down, partially destroyed and... more

08 Dec 2021 · 12 minutes
Gweagal Shield

In 1770, Captain James Cook approached Australia for the first time. Before even setting foot on land, he shot and... more

08 Dec 2021 · 12 minutes
Summer Palace

It took British and French troops three days in 1860 to burn down the Summer Palace in Beijing, and its... more

08 Dec 2021 · 14 minutes
Benin Bronzes

In 1897, British troops tried to negotiate with the Benin Kingdom and were turned away. They came back with an... more

08 Dec 2021 · 12 minutes
Rosetta Stone

Look closely at this ancient Egyptian artefact and you’ll see engravings made by British soldiers when they won this in... more

08 Dec 2021 · 13 minutes
Parthenon Marbles

When Greece was under Ottoman rule, Lord Elgin struck a deal to take whole pieces of the Parthenon in Athens... more

08 Dec 2021 · 12 minutes
Hoa Hakananai'a

The people of Rapa Nui – also known as Easter Island – carved Hoa Hakananai’a centuries ago. This living ancestor was taken... more

08 Dec 2021 · 15 minutes
The Unfiltered History Tour
The Unfiltered History Tour
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