Within each of us is the ability to achieve incredible things in our lifetime. Success is not something to be achieved only... more
All things are possible unless we say they are not. This is substantiated by the fact that everything we are... more
We either plan to be successful or fail because we didn't plan. If we are committed to arriving at the... more
Perhaps you think you can't get to where you want to go from where you are because everyone has told... more
First, get your mind working in the right direction and everything else will follow. If you tell yourself everyday that... more
We either do something or don't do something that causes something to happen or not happen to us. For every... more
There are two sides to every situation, there is the problem side, and then there is the solution side. The... more
Do you know what separates The Doers from everyone else? It's the same thing that separates the haves from the... more
The level of our self confidence rules what we accomplish and what we don't in life. The belief that we... more
Have you ever noticed that the winners have no excuses for winning. That´s because they accomplished what they set out... more
We each have certain characteristics as personal as our DNA. We do things a certain way, we talk, we walk,... more
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