Promenade is a collection of stories from around the world dealing with memory and the stories they trigger from the sound of... more
When Kevin thinks of his youth he thinks back to this Grandmother’s house and more specifically the step on the... more
On a beach in Spain Denise thinks back to her father, the waves on the beach and Pepe’s lighthouse. Written and... more
From Belfast to Japan and back again, Philip can trace a thread throughout his life following one piece of music. Written... more
Jennifer was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy at a young age which meant painful operations leaving her spending entire summers recovering... more
From Jamaica, to New York and then to Paris , Sutanya’s Grandmother’s fried chicken will live in her memory forever. Written... more
In Australia, Mike organises a Make The Best Potato Salad day in work with the ulterior motive of just eating... more
On a walk In Scotland, Len remembers her grandfather and the little white lie he told her about princess roads. Written... more
In Paris, a perfume maker ponders what scents she would use to create the fragrance of her own life. Written and... more
In 1970’s Ireland, Philippa would watch Star Trek as an escape from the world and hope that maybe the future... more
During World War 2 Peter Pallai was hidden from the nazis when most of his family were taken into concentration... more
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