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Earth Refuge

Introducing Riskland, an Earth Refuge Original podcast series. Nestled in a flood-prone valley of Ecuador’s subtropics, the people of Pucayacu must roll... more

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Episode 3: La Profecía

En este episodio final de Riskland, aprenderemos qué llevó a Margarita a la cima de la loma; por qué el... more

22 Nov 2021 · 22 minutes
Episode 3: Prophecy

In this final episode of Riskland, we’ll learn what brought Margarita to the top of the hill; why Padre Wilton... more

22 Nov 2021 · 20 minutes
Episode 2: Uncertainty

This episode, Jorge meets with the governor in the city to discuss the fate of his community; a businessman with... more

10 Nov 2021 · 30 minutes
Episodio 2: La Incertidumbre

En este episodio, Jorge se reúne con el gobernador en la ciudad para discutir el destino de su comunidad; un... more

08 Nov 2021 · 35 minutes
Episodio 1: La Tragedia

Situada en un valle de Ecuador propenso a las inundaciones, la comunidad de Pucayacu debe jugar el juego del desastre.... more

25 Oct 2021 · 29 minutes
Episode 1: Tragedy

Tucked in a flood-prone valley of subtropical Ecuador, the community of Pucayacu must play the game of disaster. A prophecy... more

25 Oct 2021 · 27 minutes
Trailer: Riesgolandia

Presentamos Riesgolandia, una serie podcast original de Earth Refuge. Riesgolandia trasladará a los oyentes hasta el borde del desastre en... more

07 Oct 2021 · 1 minute
Trailer: Riskland

Introducing Riskland, an Earth Refuge Original podcast series. Riskland will take listeners to the edge of disaster in rural Ecuador.... more

07 Oct 2021 · 1 minute
Episode 3: La Profecía
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