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Meaningful Tech
Meaningful Tech
Meaningful Tech

Entrepreneur and thinkbridge co-founder Anand Krishnan discusses how the meaningful use of technology leads to business growth through software, strategies, data science,... more

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Bridging The Cost-Quality Gap In Software Development

In this episode, we discuss the cost-quality gap in software development. What was once a painstaking, harrowing process is now... more

09 Jan 2024 · 8 minutes
Accelerated Software Development Reduces TTM

In this episode, we discuss Accelerated Software Development, otherwise known as ASD, and how it impacts time to market. It’s... more

01 Nov 2023 · 5 minutes
How To Get Your Cloud Costs Under Control

In this episode, we discuss how to keep your cloud costs from breaking the bank. The services and benefits of... more

22 Sep 2023 · 6 minutes
Custom Software: Is The Cost Worth It?

In this episode, we discuss custom software and the price tag that goes along with it. Businesses might see the... more

07 Sep 2023 · 7 minutes
How Platform Modernization Affects Businesses

This episode focuses on platform modernization and the impact it can have on a business. There are organizations that still... more

01 Sep 2023 · 8 minutes
What To Look For When Choosing A Cloud Provider

This episode discusses all the necessary factors to consider when choosing a cloud provider. Cloud computing is an extremely beneficial... more

25 Aug 2023 · 5 minutes
Balancing Dev Shops and Consulting Firms

This episode focuses on the debate between dev shops and consulting firms. There are pros and cons for both, so... more

10 Aug 2023 · 5 minutes
How To Find Talent Quickly Without Sacrificing Quality And Cost

This installment focuses on the strategies organizations can use to find top-tier talent without sacrificing quality and cost. It may... more

04 Aug 2023 · 6 minutes
Can AI Replace Developers?

This episode discusses AI and whether or not it will take the place of developers. The spike in AI usage... more

07 Jul 2023 · 6 minutes
7 Ways To Stay Accountable As A Software Developer

Working from home enables all sorts of freedoms that were previously restricted in an office setting. However, that means surveillance... more

29 Jun 2023 · 8 minutes
Meaningful Tech
Bridging The Cost-Quality Gap In Software Development
Meaningful Tech
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