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Porn Brain Rewire with Dr. Trish Leigh
Porn Brain Rewire with Dr. Trish Leigh
Dr. Trish Leigh

Porn has been shown to create underactivity in the frontal lobe and reward centers in the brain. Porn can increase your anxiety,... more

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#Episode 142: How Sex Addiction Leads to UNIMAGINABLE Crimes

What do the Dominique Pelicot, P. Diddy, and Harvey Weinstein cases all have in common?All of these men have fallen... more

26 Sep 2024 · 11 minutes
#Episode 141: The SHOCKING Truth About High Libido Nobody Talks About — Dr. Trish Leigh

Masturbation, testosterone, hypersexuality, and sexual arousal dysfunction are all linked!Excessive pornography consumption and compulsive masturbation will not only lead to... more

25 Sep 2024 · 26 minutes
#Episode 140: The Problem with Porn: Fantasy vs. Reality — Dr. Trish Leigh

Do you want to live in the fantasy of porn or live in a joyful reality? Unfortunately, you can't have... more

18 Sep 2024 · 25 minutes
#Episode 139: Recovery From Porn Addiction Takes More Than Just Quitting w/ Dr. Trish Leigh

Recovering from a pornography addiction requires more than just quitting!🚨To successfully overcome the harmful effects of explicit matter, you need... more

22 Aug 2024 · 19 minutes
#Episode 138: Porn Addiction and Video Game Addiction: Which One is WORSE?

Explicit matter and video games can both be addictive and damaging....but which one is worse?In this video Dr. Trish Leigh... more

15 Aug 2024 · 19 minutes
#Episode 137: Struggling To Find Love? w/ Dr. Trish Leigh

Those who frequently consume pornography often find themselves unable to have a healthy relationship!While many men use the excuse of... more

07 Aug 2024 · 11 minutes
#Episode 136: How Your Brain Gets Hooked On Explicit Matter w/ Dr. Trish Leigh

Your brain, paired with the unhealthy amount of dopamine that porn produces, keeps you trapped in the screen and will... more

01 Aug 2024 · 6 minutes
#Episode 135: Can't Stop Fantasizing About Sex? w/ Dr. Trish Leigh

Fantasizing about porn and sex is one of the most dangerous aspects of pornography addiction.Unlike with other drugs that you... more

24 Jul 2024 · 8 minutes
#Episode 134: Find Peace Without Porn w/ Dr. Trish Leigh

If you're looking to move towards peace and away from porn, you need the powers of neuroscience on your side.At... more

17 Jul 2024 · 7 minutes
#Episode 133: Avoid A Slip In Your Recovery | Dr. Trish Leigh

One of the most difficult aspects of porn addiction recovery includes avoiding slips and relapses.However strong your recovery plan is,... more

10 Jul 2024 · 3 minutes
Porn Brain Rewire with Dr. Trish Leigh
#Episode 142: How Sex Addiction Leads to UNIMAGINABLE Crimes
Porn Brain Rewire with Dr. Trish Leigh
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