and jealous of the listening air - #4108 (90R56 percent 428 left) by chair house 250314.mp3 and jealous of the listening... more
lay fast asleep in moonshine cold - #4107 (90R54 percent 429 left) by chair house 250313.mp3 lay fast asleep in moonshine... more
this night to share your couch with me - #4106 (90R52 pc 430 left) by chair house 250312.mp3 this night to... more
and her voice was faint and sweet- #4104 (90R48 percent 432 left) by chair house 250310.mp3 and her voice was faint... more
the palfrey was as fleet as wind - #4103 (90R45 percent 433 left) by chair house 250309.mp3 the palfrey was as... more
and once we crossed the shade of night - #4102 (90R43 pc 434 left) by chair house 250308.mp3 and once we... more
that shadowy in the moonlight shone - #4101 (90R41 percent 435 left) by chair house 250307.mp3 that shadowy in the moonlight... more
and wildly glittered here and there - #4100 (90R39 percent 436 left) by chair house 250306.mp3 and wildly glittered here and... more
darest in a silken robe of white - #4099 (90R36 percent 437 left) by chair house 250305.mp3 darest in a silken... more
there is not wind enough in the air - #4098 (90R34 percent 438 left) by chair house 250304.mp3 there is not... more
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