Two adult adoptees, Sarah Reinhardt and Louise Browne, delve into all things adoption - from their perspectives as adult adoptees. Each season Sarah... more
Born in 1976, Andrea is a same-race, domestic adoptee with international roots. Andrea's birth mother was from Greece and traveled... more
"Just a quick note - this episode contains language some listeners might find offensive -- regarding experiences involving racism."In 1963,... more
Lisa was born in 1958 and grew up in Franklin, Indiana. She was the youngest of two, both of whom... more
In 1983, Matt’s mother delivered him in a metro Detroit hospital. Within a week hewas relinquished to Catholic Social Services,... more
Jennifer is an adoptee born in Orange County, California, in 1963. The first six weeks of her life remain a... more
Adam was adopted from Huentitán el Alto, in Jalisco, Mexico. Ron and Wendy had already adopted a son so they... more
Melissa was adopted at birth in 1965 in Little Rock, AR. Her adoptive parents were able to take her home... more
Michelle Rice-Gauvreau is a native Mohawk woman born in 1969 in Canada and raised in Connecticut via an illegal adoption,... more
Rebecca is an adoptee, mother, teacher, historian, and award-winning author of the recently published ‘Who Is a Worthy Mother'? An... more
Ann Fessler is an author, filmmaker, and installation artist. Her work addresses the gap between the authoritative history one learns... more
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