Women in tech are just stressed out, overworked, overlooked, and underpaid, right? NOPE! Not around here. Around here we build the... more
Can you love your colleagues enough to let them experience the consequences of their behavior?Women in tech are great at... more
You matter. Especially during difficult events: Choosing to bravely recognize and believe in your inherent worth is brave. Deciding that your voice deserves... more
Bravery doesn’t have to be hard. In fact, bravery in your career as a woman in tech can be simple,... more
Let’s explore the profound impact fairy tales have had on our professional lives, especially as women in tech. Most of... more
In this groundbreaking episode I dive deep into the dynamics of the glass ceiling and the glass floor, specifically focusing... more
Listen in for strategies to deal with inappropriate, confidence-undermining questions in the workplace. These strategies, phrases, and mindset can be... more
Listener question: My colleague doesn’t trust my skill. What do I do? Many women in tech face the drama: dealing with... more
Listener question: I know I'm a direct person, but I'm being told I'm aggressive. How do I know the difference? I... more
Listener question: I have been waiting for a promotion. I am ready. What do I do now? Let’s discuss how to... more
Listener Question: Is it ethical for me to accept a job that's one or two layers below the job I... more
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