Black Sheep and Bad Apples was created as a project by Loren O'Brien to find something he wasn't good at and to... more
In this episode, Loren, Shawn and Sam discuss the traditions that would later be amalgamated into Christmastime. Not an episode... more
In this episode Loren, Sam and Shawn all discuss how private equity firms (a.k.a. Wall Street types) have gotten in... more
In this episode, Loren, Shawn and Sam discuss the science behind snake venom and those who dare to attempt to... more
Loren is joined by Sam as they discuss the zoot suit riots and the causes of the five day riots... more
Sam, Shawn and Loren look at the Supreme Court Case of Hustler Magazine V Falwell. They begin by introducing a... more
Loren brings Shawn and Sam along for a discussion about the nefarious Agenda 21/Agenda 30 conspiracy and how it can... more
Loren is joined by Sam and Shawn to discuss James Edward Baker Jr and the rise and fall of a... more
In this installment of the War On Women, Loren is again joined by Kelly and Allie to discuss marriage, no-fault... more
In this episode, Loren is joined by Kelly and Allie to continue their conversation about the War On Women. This... more
In this episode, Loren sits down with his wife, Kelly, and their friend Allie to discuss the various battles that... more