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The Candyman
The Candyman
Big Big Big

In 1971, five children were given a tour of a chocolate factory in upper Munich. Four left the factory maimed, and one... more

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6. The Wrap Up

“Time is a precious thing, never waste it.” Time is running out to crack this case, but how long can... more

16 Mar 2021 · 18 minutes
5. Wonka & His Factory

“You get nothing. You lose.” The elusive island of Loompaland is located, Ella learns from a Hollywood star, and the... more

09 Mar 2021 · 20 minutes
4. Conspiracy Theories

“So shines a good deed in a weary world." A sinister figure reveals all in a tell-all interview, Ella has... more

02 Mar 2021 · 22 minutes
3. Augustus & Violet

“A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men.” Augustus Gloop recalls his dip in the chocolate... more

23 Feb 2021 · 16 minutes
2. Mike & Veruca

“There’s no earthly way of knowing which direction we are going.” Mike Teavee visits the studio and Veruca Salt is... more

16 Feb 2021 · 18 minutes
1. The Bucket Family

"You should never, never doubt what nobody is sure about.” Madi and Ella introduce their investigation to the world,... more

09 Feb 2021 · 26 minutes
Series Trailer

"The suspense is terrible... I hope it'll last." In 1971, five children were given a tour of a chocolate factory... more

29 Jan 2021 · 1 minute
The Candyman
6. The Wrap Up
The Candyman
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