Wow If True is your one-stop internet culture shop, explaining how what’s happening online shapes the real world. And we’re the internet... more
Iz and Amanda talk about: glow in the dark condoms, America's most evil liberal, the double bongcloud, Isabel's book career... more
Time for Wow if True 101, a brief look back at the history of Wow if True. By brief, we... more
We made it to a hundred episodes! Unfortunately, all celebration must be postponed because Isabel needs to read Amanda far... more
What do celebrities owe us? What do your local podcasters owe you? Does anyone ever owe anyone anything? We discuss... more
This episode has it all: and by, it all, we mean that Amanda spends about a full twenty minutes talking... more
So what's a friend, anyway? Well, if you're making an AI startup, a friend is a mic who is always... more
Pepe: the frog, the myth, the legend. We go all-in on a deep dive on what Pepe has meant as... more
None of this episode is legal advice. We're joined by IP attorney Sam Doesntwantrealnameincluded, and we discuss the legality of... more
So what is the point of any technology? That's right. To more accurately simulate anime girls. We talk about the... more
We're back from our break, more powerful than ever, and maybe even strong enough to talk about anonymous social media... more
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