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NETfrix - Network Science Podcast
NETfrix - Network Science Podcast
Asaf Shapira

NETfrix is the 1st podcast dedicated to Network Science (or: the dark side of Data Science). ”With great power comes great responsibility” and... more

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NETfrix Shorts: Why is Dunbar the loneliest number?

Dunbar's Number is a well-known concept which states that the number of social ties a person has is about 150.... more

23 Jan 2022 · 22 minutes
NETfrix ep11:Anyone can analyze networks

To make Network Analysis accessible, we'll learn about a free and popular Network Analysis Software called Gephi.In this episode, Gephi's... more

05 Dec 2021 · 50 minutes
NETfrix ep10: What's the rumpus about Networks2021 conference?

This episode features Dr. Ann McCranie, the Chief Organizer, with special tips to newcomers & Prof. Baruch Barzel on his... more

13 Jun 2021 · 48 minutes
NETfrix ep09: Six Degrees of Intuition

This episode is dedicated to improving our intuitions about networks, using the naive idea of 6-Degrees-of-separation and flip it (literally).... more

02 May 2021 · 23 minutes
NETfrix ep08: The Episode for the Aspiring Network Scientist w/Michele Coscia

Michele Coscia, an associate professor at IT University of Copenhagen by day, and by night, the author of the "Connecting... more

14 Apr 2021 · 52 minutes
NETfrix ep07: Partisanship in politics and Network Science

Network Science and its dear friend, Data, are here to throw some of our intuitions about politics and partisanship under... more

10 Mar 2021 · 38 minutes
NETfrix - the Network Science Podcast - TRAILER

Network Science is an emerging & exciting field in Data Science and it brought to you by an emerging &... more

04 Feb 2021 · 2 minutes
NETfrix ep06B: Groundhog’s day, Dynamic Networks and Data’s Holy Grail - Part 2

Here we'll discuss why dynamic networks are chaotic and what are the implications and applications of this statement, especially, to... more

07 Jan 2021 · 31 minutes
NETfrix ep06A: Groundhog's day, Dynamic Networks and Data's Holy Grail - Part 1

Dynamic networks are data science's Holy Grail. Here we'll learn why, and what are the applications and implications of dynamic... more

01 Jan 2021 · 36 minutes
NETFRIX ep05: Communities in Networks- The #2 law of networks

How to tell a story about data by using Community Detection in networks. Communities (or clusters) are the building blocks... more

24 Dec 2020 · 49 minutes
NETfrix - Network Science Podcast
NETfrix Shorts: Why is Dunbar the loneliest number?
NETfrix - Network Science Podcast
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