Politics and Religion. We’re not supposed to talk about that, right? Wrong! We only say that nowadays because the loudest, most extreme... more
(This was one of my favorite conversations of 2024 partly because Tom and I both did our best Robert DeNiro... more
“All who entered the Temple Mount entered by the right, circled to the right and exited by the left, except... more
How should we respond to the election? Fight? Surrender? Or is there another way? Let's "Meet the Majority" and see... more
Is there any coherence to Trumpism from a policy standpoint? Public policy expert, Lanhee Chen, says coherence is overrated... at... more
Do you find yourself generally hopeful or really concerned about this 2nd Trump Administration? Or are you just grabbing your... more
Since a lot of folks were doing the whole thanksgiving thing, I guess we can consider this counter-programming. Either way,... more
This was one of my favorite conversations over the last year or so. Figured it'd be nice to share it... more
Katherine Stewart is an expert who has been investigating religious nationalism for over 15 years. Given the impact of Christian... more
Someone I love voted for a different candidate at the top of the ticket. Can we still have a healthy,... more
A Republican, a Democrat and an Independent walk into a podcast... We're on YouTube! https://www.youtube.com/@politicsandreligion It would mean so much if you could... more
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