Debunking the junk science behind health fads, wellness scams and nonsensical nutrition advice.
The places where humans live the longest are explained by traditional lifestyles, widespread incest or systematic fraud, there is no... more
Because we live in hell, here is last month's bonus episode about RFK Jr.'s presidential campaign with a new intro... more
The internet gets weird investigating the "disappearance" of America's gay best friend. Support us: Hear bonus episodes on... more
Before building his fitness empire, America’s most bedazzled fitness guru was a guy named Milton from New Orleans. Support... more
How a mother, a daughter and a crackpot Swiss psychologist gave us the world's most popular Buzzfeed quiz. Support... more
We went a little easy on the Cass Report in our last main feed episode, so we're back to [Mortal... more
Thanks to Jules Gill-Peterson ( and Julia Serano ( for help researching this episode and Evan Urquhart, Parker Molloy and... more
Thanks to Jules Gill-Peterson ( and Julia Serano ( for help researching this episode and Evan Urquhart and Parker Molloy... more
In the 2000s, Jamie Oliver made a big splash with his work reforming kids’ meals in the UK and US.... more
What was missing from America's pandemic response? According to the internet, a sunshine vitamin, a malaria treatment and a whole... more