Weekday Worship is a podcast of Generations Church in Norcross, GA designed to take our conversations about the gospel and life with... more
A conversation about the impact of scripture, growth in spiritual practices, and our favorite books, movies and podcasts of 2024.
A conversation about beanie's, muffins, Caleb's fear of being controversial, and a better way to think about the prominent and... more
A conversation about the priority of hospitality in the Christian life and a church community. We welcome in one of... more
A conversation wrestling with how to think about and respond to the 2024 election, regardless of outcome, in a decidedly... more
A conversation distinguishing between child-likeness and child-ishness; remembering the way political conflict is handled presently in contrast to historically; and... more
A conversation touching on Caleb's affinity for hip-hop music, and exploring the lives of prominent people in Israel's history which... more
A conversation about Caleb's efforts as a playwright, James' recruitment into politics by both presidential campaigns, and a compelling story... more
A conversation about the subtle drift away from or watering down of a gospel-centered culture. We touch on not being... more
A conversation exploring ideas and themes more deeply from the first 4 parts of our current preaching series, The Story... more
A conversation about the place of therapy in the Christian life, springing from a small portion of a sermon Caleb... more
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