Weekday Worship is a podcast of Generations Church in Norcross, GA designed to take our conversations about the gospel and life with... more
A conversation about chicken wings and the place of dreaming in our lives, in the sense of having a God-size... more
A conversation about cultivating the soil of our hearts to hear and receive the word of God in a fruitful... more
A conversation about prayer from a practical standpoint to encourage us as we continue through this week of focused prayer... more
A conversation about our upcoming week of fasting and prayer with some anecdotes from James' youth pastoring days sprinkled in.... more
A conversation following up on Sundays message regarding the simplicity of the Christian life that is anchored in faith. We... more
A conversation about the impact of scripture, growth in spiritual practices, and our favorite books, movies and podcasts of 2024.
A conversation about beanie's, muffins, Caleb's fear of being controversial, and a better way to think about the prominent and... more
A conversation about the priority of hospitality in the Christian life and a church community. We welcome in one of... more
A conversation wrestling with how to think about and respond to the 2024 election, regardless of outcome, in a decidedly... more
A conversation distinguishing between child-likeness and child-ishness; remembering the way political conflict is handled presently in contrast to historically; and... more
A conversation touching on Caleb's affinity for hip-hop music, and exploring the lives of prominent people in Israel's history which... more
A conversation about Caleb's efforts as a playwright, James' recruitment into politics by both presidential campaigns, and a compelling story... more
A conversation about the subtle drift away from or watering down of a gospel-centered culture. We touch on not being... more
A conversation exploring ideas and themes more deeply from the first 4 parts of our current preaching series, The Story... more
A conversation about the place of therapy in the Christian life, springing from a small portion of a sermon Caleb... more
A conversation about the things cluttering and complicating our lives, and a practice intended to nurture freedom, contentment and generosity.
A conversation with one of our ministry partners, John Thompson, pastor of The Union Church in Lima, Peru. We discuss... more
A conversation about the place of serving in energizing the life of the Spirit in and among us.
A conversation about the good gift from God of ongoing renewal through a rhythm of worship and rest; a good... more
A conversation with our very own Tom Ferguson on the use of storying in the global missions context.
A conversation about Spring Break, Easter, confessions of fast food guilty pleasures and answering the question everyone is asking... what... more
A conversation about a spinoff podcast and St. Patrick of Ireland.
A conversation about meditation that is distinctly Christian, and the importance of filling our minds with and focusing our hearts... more
We are coming to you from Colombia with a quick update on some of what we've been up to the... more
This is part 2 of a conversation on abortion. We welcome Betsy Rowell onto the podcast with Scottie and James... more
A conversation about the importance of confessing as a connective practice in Christian community. We explore what confession is and... more
This is part 1 of 2 in a conversation on abortion. Because this is such a charged issue that's influenced... more
A conversation about Caleb's new look, a beverage of choice, and a too-often neglected practice that is a gift from... more
A conversation with one of our global mission partners, Michael Cody, helping us to think through evangelism, at both a... more
A conversation about Advent with Caleb very much in the Christmas Spirit, thanks to Kuyper's sleeping and Bonhoeffer's writing.
A conversation reflecting on stories that have given shape to the Christian community this year, the things that have given... more
A conversation about our Spiritual Practice for December. Paul Thompson is back on the show to offer wisdom and insight... more
A Conversation with a very special guest, exploring how to think Christianly about dying, engaging eternity with our imaginations, and... more
A conversation about the mean streets of Gwinnett County, local elections, and wrestling with the usefulness of beholding glory.
A conversation touching on reformation day, the importance of front porches, and how to respond to dramatic developments and dire... more
A conversation about bad grammar, making up words, and identifying and contending with idolatry.
A conversation interacting with our current sermon series, exploring how we have each come into contact with and discovery of... more
A conversation with Joey Greer about vocation, entrepreneurship and seeking first the Kingdom as an operating paradigm.
A conversation around a biblical theology of food and the spiritual significance surrounding everyday meals and table fellowship.
A conversation where we banter about our banter; clarify Caleb's need to be footnoted; and interact with a recently released... more
A conversation about our Spiritual Practice for September, creating a position for a Pastor of Pickleball, plus, there may be... more
We are joined by a very special guest today for a conversation touching on 90's alt-rock one-hit wonders, mediocre rom-coms... more
A conversation about nurturing worship in the flow of our everyday lives, both personally and within our families. Plus, an... more
A conversation exploring the essentialness of corporate worship to spiritual formation, and how our rhythm of gathering, as well as... more
A conversation introducing our first spiritual practice, exploring how our culture forms us, American Christians and the American Church, as... more
This episode is part 2 in a series of discussions introducing the idea of Spiritual Practices, a new layer of... more
The long rumored return is upon us... we're coming out of retirement and relaunching the Weekday Worship Podcast after a... more
An interview with the Kambous, our partners in the gospel in West Africa, and their story, their lives, their ministry.... more
A conversation with Aaron and Kristi Wheaton about their adventure of faith and following Jesus from Montana, to Generations here... more
This is a rerun episode from last year. As a community, Generations is about to start a church-wide week of... more
A conversation about Thanksgiving traditions, and we revisit from last week, a letter from a 2nd-century follower of Jesus to... more
A conversation flowing from a 2nd-century disciple of Jesus, regarding the distinctive life of Christians at that time in the... more
A conversation about a recent petty beef Caleb had with James, an ancient personal beef Abraham had with God, and... more
A conversation about one of most mysterious figures in the Biblical text along with some other mysterious references.
A conversation about Caleb's favorite Dr. Seuss book, a gift he received that keeps on giving, and contrasting a life... more
Finally, after lengthy and sometimes tenuous contract negotiations, the boys are back in the podcasting saddle. We touch on a... more
Getting ready for the start of a new weekday worship season, but not quite there yet, this is a conversation... more
The second half of our conversation about Cyprian, which includes a range of other spin-off topics much to Caleb's chagrin.
A conversation introducing a 3rd-Century North African Bishop with, as always, some surprising rabbit trails.
A conversation about one of the most intriguing, celebrated and written about Christian figures of the 20th Century.
A conversation about a mighty woman of God who most of us have never heard of.
A conversation interacting with a recently published article on the destabilizing of democracy and the open door for the church. Why... more
Generations installed two new elders this past Sunday and we wanted to let them share more about their stories so... more
Generations installed two new elders this past Sunday and we wanted to let them share more about their stories so... more
A conversation with one of our mission partners, Joel Ballew, about how he knew he could play college basketball, why... more
A conversation about the most important event in history and whether we're crazy to believe in the Death and Resurrection... more
A conversation about trauma from Caleb's high school years that was triggered by last week's episode; his dramatic experience at... more
A conversation with special guest Andrew Hixson, a long time member of Generations and Norcross City Council, touching on workouts... more
A conversation about the aches and pains of aging and interacting with a recent article that's gone viral, which promotes... more
A conversation about old books, good sub sandwiches, the myth of ownership and the responsibility of stewardship.
A conversation about what Jesus has to say about the relationship between earthly treasure, internal affection and the binary reality... more
A conversation bringing a troubling Generations' conspiracy to light and fleshing out a few more aspects of singleness from a... more
A conversation about facial hair products, Cheetos dust, a potential spinoff food podcast, and as promised, applying union with Christ... more
A conversation about podcast swag, our challenges with facial hair, and the breathtaking reality of what it means to be... more
A conversation about a recent study regarding the effects of different educational environments on the formation of young people, where... more
A conversation about Caleb's Twitter stalking, poetry, and Isaiah 58.
A conversation helping us to prepare spiritually and practically for a week of corporate fasting and prayer at Generations.
A conversation with special guest Stephanie Simmons about art, dance and drama and how to engage these common grace spaces... more
In the final episode of 2021, we revisit last week's conversation and contrast a cultural version of love with the... more
A conversation about the movie Frozen, a restaurant named Gu's, and a couple recently published articles about loving the self.
A conversation about The Acts 29 Network: What is it? Why did Generations join it? Why are we still part... more
A conversation about Thanksgiving celebrations, twins in our lives, Caleb's dream job, a whole bunch of name dropping and some... more
A conversation with a special guest about the development of our own self-understanding, the importance of curiosity in understanding others,... more
A conversation considering a Ph.D topic for Caleb, the hard work of show prep put in by James, and how... more
Recurring guest Scottie Finlayson joins the podcast for a conversation about how things are going after 1 year on staff.... more
A conversation about what kind of movies moves us, why they move us and how to think critically about what... more
A conversation about famous people from Norcross, the implications of Christianity for our physical bodies, and the extraordinary godliness of... more
A conversation about Caleb's refined tastes, James' physical defects, and a universal source of angst and frustration.
A conversation reminiscing about Christian Music over the last 40-50 years, which may or may not include Caleb doing a... more
A conversation about the urgency of Christian mission, representing Jesus in our vocation, and some thoughts on the best dressed... more
A conversation in which we reminisce about the beginnings of COVID, imagine what we're becoming as a community, and consider... more
A conversation touching on our political doppelgangers, our theologian headshot t-shirts, and the very real need of the Holy Spirit... more
A conversation exploring the connection between the gospel and theological clarity, the origins of the internet and the resilience and... more
A conversation with special guest, Dr. Ray Ortlund Jr., articulating a compelling vision for masculinity, a beautiful hope for what... more
After a summer hiatus from Weekday Worship, we're back for a new season. Listen in as we sort out a... more
Weekday Worship is featuring messages from a year ago when our culture was in turmoil, we were not meeting in... more
Over the rest of July, Weekday Worship is featuring messages from a year ago when our culture was in turmoil,... more
Over the rest of July, Weekday Worship is featuring messages from a year ago when our culture was in turmoil,... more
A conversation with Maegan Cody about growing up in the Wilson house, ministry in the Cody house, Eminem and the... more
A conversation with Michael Cody about the twists and turns of life and campus ministry which are taking their family... more
A conversation with Michael Cody about the twists and turns of life and campus ministry which are taking their family from Florence,... more