The Suuuper Anime Podcast is a show that looks to entertain, inspire and inform you about anime. We provide our opinion and... more
I can’t believe this A list celebrity followed us! Crazy – Ed Summary In this episode, Ed and Solo celebrate... more
JJK is Trash…I Hate Death Note – LilChaosSummary In this engaging conversation, Ed talks to Streamer and Cosplayer LilChaos exploring... more
"This book is a masterclass in storytelling." – Ed Suuuper Anime podcast SummaryIn this engaging conversation, Ed and Solo discuss... more
"We have reached the end of an era'"– Solo Summary In this episode of the Super Anime Podcast, hosts Solo... more
‘I failed many times to get published in Shonen” - Elena VitaglianoSummary Elina Vitayano, the first European woman to win... more
"Some episodes of the anime Dandadan got leaked"Summary In this episode, the hosts Ed and Solo delve into the world... more
"I made a decision to switch to Anime News" - Animenewsguy SummaryIn this conversation, Ed interviews GoatBrandon also known as... more
"It was a good day" - Ice Cube 21 question series is back and we discuss anime questions asked... more
John Marco part 1 on how became a street interviwer Support the show
“Oda was there” – John Marco AskIn this episode of Suuuper Anime podcast, we interview anime street interviewer and content... more
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