Susan Garrett, world-renowned dog trainer, multi-time champion of dog agility, and leading educator on all things canine shares everything related to dogs!... more
Visit us at Counter Surfing and other naughty dog behavior problems can feel unsolvable, but they don't have... more
Visit us at Do over 99% of dogs really have behavior problems? For claims like this we should... more
Visit us at Do dogs really test us? It can sure seem that way when a dog's behavior... more
Visit us at If you hear dog training advice based on the Dominance Theory, it’s time to rethink... more
Visit us at "Just stop watching!" coming from Susan Garrett might surprise you, but I've got tips for... more
Visit us at The science of Matching Law is vital for everyone with a dog to understand for... more
Visit us at If you’ve ever had a setback in dog training, you are not alone! Setbacks can... more
Visit us at Puppy frustrations! Everyone will be frustrated with a pup occasionally, but it doesn’t need to... more
Visit us at Is your puppy or dog stopping on walks? You're not alone! I’m sharing how to... more
Visit us at Harnessing excitement in dog training and understanding arousal lets you create better focus from your... more
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