In this podcast, our YUCS Club mentors set out a journey to interview and give insight on Programming and IT Industry together... more
In this episode, we discover the life journey of Doctor Nem Khan Dim, a lecturer from Department of Computer Studies,... more
We explored the journey of Ko Kaung Khant Thu this week.
We talked about job opportunities, experiences, workflow of a software agency and whether we should attend Honor class or not.
In this episode, we talked with CS First Batch Alumini Ma May Myat Thwe on how her acadmic life was.... more
This is the programmer's journey of Ko Kyaw Zay Ya Lin Tun. We talked about how he learned programming and... more
We explored the programmer's journey of Ko Naing Aung Luu. We mainly discover how he started this journey, where he... more
We explored the programmer's journey of Ko Phyo Lin Maung, an alumini of UYCS and discussed about how he tried... more (Lucidchart) (Reso Coder) (Forms that work)
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