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No BS Agency Podcast
No BS Agency Podcast
Pia Silva

Ignore The Crap That’s Holding You Back & Discover What It Really Takes To Be The Boss

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Ep 211: The No BS Way: Retainers

A lot of small agency owners learned how to structure and run their businesses from the agencies they’ve worked at... more

05 Sep 2024 · 15 minutes
Ep 210: Jeremy Schwartz on How Squarespace Supports Creative Professionals

I am a long-time user and proponent of Squarespace for client projects and we’ve used them exclusively for over a... more

29 Aug 2024 · 40 minutes
Ep 209: Kris Byers: From Frustrated Creative to Positive, Confident Business Owner at the Helm of Horrible Brands

Today, I’m excited to share a conversation with someone who has been on an absolute rocket ship ride inside No... more

22 Aug 2024 · 44 minutes
Ep 208: Don't Do This: On Niching

All this month, I’m talking about some of the most common and frequent mistakes I see people make in their... more

15 Aug 2024 · 11 minutes
Ep 207: Don't Do This: On Pricing

This month, I’m digging into some of the mistakes I see one-to-two person branding agencies make over and over again.... more

08 Aug 2024 · 12 minutes
Ep 206: Don't Do This: On Selling

When you spend a lot of time working with one market, you start to notice patterns.I’ve worked with hundreds of... more

01 Aug 2024 · 12 minutes
Ep 205: Erika Stanley on Launching a Business During the Pandemic, Unlearning Agency Practices, and Going the No BS Way

Today, I’m sharing a conversation with one of my star students-turned coaches, Erika Stanley. Erika has truly mastered the No BS... more

25 Jul 2024 · 41 minutes
Ep 204: My Motivations: Why I Built a Training Program

“If you can make $30,000 or more in just a few days of branding work with Worst of All Design,... more

18 Jul 2024 · 30 minutes
Ep 203: My Motivations: The Bigger Mission

Sometimes people ask me, “If you’re so successful in your agency, why are you doing this training program?”To really answer... more

11 Jul 2024 · 21 minutes
Ep 202: My Motivations: Why I Do What I Do

There’s a daily journaling exercise that I suggest to everyone who joins No BS Agencies Mastery. There are four questions in... more

04 Jul 2024 · 14 minutes
Ep 201: Andrea Merrill on How Her Business Changed When She Discovered and Owned Her Niche

You need a niche. You’ve probably heard it a million times. But what does honing and owning your niche look like... more

27 Jun 2024 · 43 minutes
Ep. 200: Critical Mindset Shifts for No BS Agency Owners: Ease

Does your business ever stress you out?  Silly question, right? Of course it does! Being a business owner can be incredibly stressful... more

20 Jun 2024 · 34 minutes
Ep 199: Critical Mindset Shifts for No BS Agency Owners: Freedom

When you decided to hang your own shingle and be your own boss, did you imagine that you’d finally have... more

13 Jun 2024 · 16 minutes
Ep 198: Critical Mindset Shifts for No BS Agency Owners: Profit

If you’ve been running your business for a while and still feeling underpaid and overworked —you are not alone.There are... more

06 Jun 2024 · 13 minutes
Ep 197: Ben Guttmann on Why Certain Messages Work and How to Design Them

What makes messaging stick?Today, I’m digging into that question with marketing and communications expert, Ben Guttmann. Plus we’ll talk about... more

30 May 2024 · 36 minutes
Ep 196: FAQ: "But Pia, How Long Will It Take to Build My Authority Machine?"

This month, I’ve been talking about the value of building an Authority Machine, what it is, what it can give... more

23 May 2024 · 20 minutes
Ep 195: What Nobody Understands About Building the Authority Machine

Over the years, I have taken a lot of people through the process of building their Authority Machine.One of the... more

16 May 2024 · 14 minutes
Ep 194: FAQ: How Can An Authority Machine Lead To Stability and Freedom in Your Business

Most entrepreneurs I meet built their businesses because they want more agency over their lives. They want to make more... more

09 May 2024 · 19 minutes
Ep 193: FAQ: What Exactly is an Authority Machine and How Do We Start One?

Everybody wants to be seen as an authority or an expert, whether you use those words or not.Why? Because being... more

02 May 2024 · 30 minutes
Ep 192: Sara Chambers Levels Up Her Business and Goes From Good To Great

Today I’m talking with one of my star students turned No BS Mastery coach, Sara Chambers, about ditching proposals, committing... more

25 Apr 2024 · 22 minutes
Ep 191: FAQ: "But Pia, What if I do the work and the client hates it?"

What happens if the client hates the work you bring to their Intensive?Presenting your work to a client is always... more

18 Apr 2024 · 27 minutes
Ep 190: FAQ: "But Pia, can you actually do quality work in an intensive?"

Can you actually do quality work, bespoke custom brands and websites and amazing copy in an intensive? For real?Today I’m... more

11 Apr 2024 · 21 minutes
Ep 189: Intensives 101: What Exactly Is It and How Exactly Do You Do It

How do we put a stop to dragging project timelines and scope creep? Intensives.Intensives are a core piece of the... more

04 Apr 2024 · 19 minutes
Ep 188: Chris Do Drops Truth Bombs on What It Takes to Play on the Big Stage

Chris Do is a major name in the industry with a massive following across social media and YouTube.And while we... more

28 Mar 2024 · 47 minutes
Ep 187: FAQ: "But Pia, I tried networking and I didn't get anything out of it!"

Picture this: You get all dressed up and drag yourself to a networking event. You spend a couple of hours... more

21 Mar 2024 · 28 minutes
Ep 186: FAQ: "But Pia, Where Do I Find The Leads?"

“How do I get leads?”It’s the million dollar question. When you have a business, you need sales. To make sales,... more

14 Mar 2024 · 19 minutes
From The Archives: How Do You Sell Something That All Your Competitors Are Giving Away for Free?

Back by popular demand, here's an episode that answers a question I get asked all the time. Tune into this... more

07 Mar 2024 · 27 minutes
Ep 185: Marsha Shandur: A Masterclass On Storytelling

If the idea of selling and asking people to buy from you makes you nervous, this one’s for you. My guest... more

29 Feb 2024 · 57 minutes
Ep 184: You're Already a Badass: Loving Yourself As You Build Your Business

For our final episode of love month, I want to switch gears from talking about client love to a different... more

22 Feb 2024 · 12 minutes
Ep 183: Love Bank: Withdrawals You Must Avoid

In honor of February, the month of love and Valentine’s Day, we’re talking about generating love and goodwill with your... more

15 Feb 2024 · 29 minutes
Ep 182: Love Bank: Let's Talk Deposits

Who doesn't want their client to love them and all the work that they do?This month we are talking about... more

08 Feb 2024 · 22 minutes
Ep 181: The Love Bank in Your Client Relationships: The Concept of Deposits and Withdrawals

February is the month of red hearts and candy and chocolates and showering the people you love with affection.On that... more

01 Feb 2024 · 14 minutes
Ep 180: Kelly O'Connell: From No Business, No Niche to a Profitable Business in Eighteen Months

I’m excited to introduce you to an incredible addition to the No BS Mastery community and a shining example of... more

25 Jan 2024 · 15 minutes
Ep 179: What Does It REALLY Take To Be Seen As An Expert

Being seen and hired as an expert is the holy grail. It's how you get paid top dollar. It's how... more

18 Jan 2024 · 16 minutes
Ep 178: How to Raise Your Prices When Your Clients Won't Pay As Much

I see so much content out there telling people to charge more. "You're worth more! Charge what you're worth! Raise... more

11 Jan 2024 · 27 minutes
Ep 177: Make 2024 Your Best Year Yet

At any moment, we can change direction. But we don't often think about it because we’re busy or consumed by... more

04 Jan 2024 · 24 minutes
Ep 176: Philip Morgan on the Road to Developing True Expertise and the Risks of Becoming a Category of One

I’m thrilled to share a conversation I had recently with returning guest, Philip Morgan.Philip Morgan's work on specialization, cultivating expertise,... more

28 Dec 2023 · 55 minutes
Ep 175: What I'm Excited About in 2024

A couple of weeks ago, I shared behind the scenes stories of how we built the No BS Agencies Mastery... more

21 Dec 2023 · 11 minutes
Ep 174: Celebrating A Year of Wins

In honor of the holidays and the end of the year, I thought I would do something a little different... more

14 Dec 2023 · 17 minutes
Ep 173: Behind The Scenes: Building the No BS Mastery Program

The No BS Mastery Program is about to celebrate its three year anniversary. So, this month, I want to share... more

07 Dec 2023 · 39 minutes
Ep 172: Carl Wilson on Implementing the No BS Agency Model in a Larger Organization With Multiple Decision Makers

In this episode, we explore if the No BS Model can be implemented in larger organizations with larger projects with... more

30 Nov 2023 · 51 minutes
Ep 171: Didn't Meet Your Goals This Year? Here's What I Want You To Do.

It’s that time of the year when many of us are starting to look at what we’ve accomplished during the... more

23 Nov 2023 · 20 minutes
Ep 170: The Trap That Retainer Clients Often Create (And How To Avoid It)

This month, I’m sharing the pitfalls of chasing after retainer clients as a one to two person branding agency.Today, I’m... more

16 Nov 2023 · 10 minutes
Ep 169: The Thing About a Retainer Clients Business Model That Could Kill You (And How To Fix It)

Whenever I rail against retainer clients, I get comments from people swearing that the model works for them. And that’s... more

09 Nov 2023 · 12 minutes
Ep 168: Why Building A Business Based On Retainer Clients Is Riskier Than You Think

As a small business owner, retainer clients might seem like the holy grail. They pay you every month and all... more

02 Nov 2023 · 9 minutes
Ep 167: The No BS Agency Mastery Isn’t For You If…

In this podcast, I'm always talking about different strategies and tactics that I've used inside my No BS Agency, and... more

26 Oct 2023 · 14 minutes
Ep 166: Are You A Perfect Fit for the No BS Agency Mastery?

You’ve heard me mention the No BS Agency Mastery Program on the podcast, and maybe you’ve wondered, “What the heck... more

19 Oct 2023 · 14 minutes
Ep 165: What is No BS Agency Mastery

I often mention our program, No BS Agency Mastery on the show. And you may be wondering what I am... more

12 Oct 2023 · 18 minutes
Ep 164: Leilani Wells on Creating Engaging and Creative Social Media Content That Shows Your Personality

To have a successful small business, you need to be seen. You have to make sure that you can be... more

05 Oct 2023 · 36 minutes
Ep 163: Keys to Eliminating Revisions: Show The Finished Product

Getting clients to approve creative work on the spot isn’t just a time saver. It’s how it should be if... more

28 Sep 2023 · 16 minutes
Ep 162: Keys to Eliminating Revisions: Flush Out All Ideas From The Beginning

No doubt, being able to limit all client projects to two rounds of revisions would already be a huge relief. But... more

21 Sep 2023 · 15 minutes
Ep 161: Keys to Eliminating Revisions: Present All Your Work Live

One of the core tenets of the No BS Model is delivering projects in an intensive model.If you’ve worked the... more

14 Sep 2023 · 13 minutes
Ep 160: Terri Trespicio Challenges and Drops Truth Bombs About Following Your Passion

How many times have we heard that we need to find and follow our passion?What if that wasn’t true?Today, I’m... more

07 Sep 2023 · 57 minutes
Ep 159: Iron Mike Steadman on Never Giving Free Proposals (And Getting Ghosted) Ever Again, Setting His Business North Star, and Taking Action

Turning education into action can be a struggle for entrepreneurs.Not so for today’s guest.When I first met Mike Steadman, I... more

31 Aug 2023 · 35 minutes
Ep 158: The No BS Blueprint to 30K: Phase 3 - Authority

This month, I’m breaking down my No BS Blueprint to $30K (https://www.nobsagencies.com/30k-blueprint) — the process that I’ve developed over many... more

24 Aug 2023 · 24 minutes
Ep 157: The No BS Blueprint to 30K: Phase 2 - Intensives

This month, I’m breaking down my No BS Blueprint to $30K (https://www.nobsagencies.com/30k-blueprint) — the process that I’ve developed over many... more

17 Aug 2023 · 23 minutes
Ep 156: The No BS Blueprint to 30K: Phase 1 - Clients

This month, I’m breaking down my No BS Blueprint to $30K (https://www.nobsagencies.com/30k-blueprint) — the process that I’ve developed over many... more

10 Aug 2023 · 18 minutes
Ep 155: The No BS Blueprint to 30K: Overview

What does it really take to scale a one to two person branding agency to $30,000 months without employees?Every business... more

03 Aug 2023 · 18 minutes
Ep 154: Laura Belgray on Writing With Your Voice, Sharing Your Stories, and Being You in All Your Work

Everybody wants to be authentic and to have a unique voice in everything they do — from their blog posts... more

27 Jul 2023 · 45 minutes
Ep 153 : On Selling Digital Products and Other "Passive Income" Products

It’s tempting to think you can create a digital product, sit back, and let the money roll in. But it’s not... more

20 Jul 2023 · 23 minutes
Ep 152: On Selling Premium Services

The experience of the seller when selling low-priced services may be different from their experience when selling high-priced services.But from... more

13 Jul 2023 · 17 minutes
Ep 151: On Selling Low-Priced Services

Why did you start your branding agency?I’m guessing it was because you love the creative work you were doing as... more

06 Jul 2023 · 12 minutes
Ep 150: Amanda Dahler On The Mindset Shifts That Allowed Her To Grow Her Business Exponentially

I am so excited to welcome a very special guest to the podcast today, Amanda Dahler.Amanda is the founder of... more

29 Jun 2023 · 45 minutes
Ep 149: Revenue Versus Profit: What's The Diff

Chasing profit is not the same as chasing revenue. But most people in the small agency world confuse the two. And... more

22 Jun 2023 · 12 minutes
Ep 148: Standing Out Versus Shining: What's The Diff?

“We'll help you stand out from the competition.”That's what most branding agencies say they're going to help you do.And yet,... more

15 Jun 2023 · 12 minutes
Ep 147: The Service Provider Versus The Expert: What's The Diff?

Everybody wants to be seen as an expert. But that’s only going to happen if you have expertise and you... more

08 Jun 2023 · 11 minutes
Ep 146: VIP Days Versus Intensives: What's The Diff?

This month, we are comparing and contrasting ideas from the No BS Agency Mastery model with the way people commonly... more

01 Jun 2023 · 17 minutes
Ep 145: Emily Wilkins on How Niching Down and Owning That Niche Allowed Her Business to Thrive

I'm so excited to introduce you to one of my favorite students, Emily Wilkins. What I love about her story and... more

25 May 2023 · 27 minutes
Ep 144: Lead Product: The Biggest Mistakes People Make When Executing This Strategy

I've been teaching how to successfully close and deliver a Lead Product for about eight years now. Over the years, I... more

18 May 2023 · 11 minutes
Ep 143: Lead Product: The Origin Story

The Lead Product is a fundamental part of the No BS Agency model. It's something that I have been teaching for... more

11 May 2023 · 15 minutes
Ep 142: Lead Product: The Basics

One of the biggest challenges that small agencies have is closing clients on big projects.It’s hard to get clients to... more

04 May 2023 · 16 minutes
Ep 141: Lisa Greensill On How The No BS Agency Mastery Program Impacted Her Business and Her Confidence Level

Today, I’m delighted to share an interview with one of my favorite students, Lisa Greensill.I loved working with Lisa because... more

27 Apr 2023 · 34 minutes
Ep 140: [Money Talk] How To Calculate Your Price To Freedom: The 50-25-25 Formula

The day I realized that we were $40K in debt was a major turning point in our business. We had... more

20 Apr 2023 · 17 minutes
Ep 139: [Money Talk] Revenue, Income, Profit: What's the Diff and What You Need to Know

Back in 2013, I joined the Accelerator Program of EO (Entrepreneur’s Organization) as an investment to grow my business. I... more

13 Apr 2023 · 14 minutes
EP 138: [Money Talk] Five Money Mindset Issues That Will Stop You From Growing Your Business

Have you ever heard the phrase, “Born on third, thought they hit a triple?”It refers to somebody who was born... more

06 Apr 2023 · 16 minutes
Ep. 137: [Finding Leads] Amanda Dahler on The Most Effective Way To Do Lead Generation

Amanda Dahler has been a student of mine who has had so much success implementing the program that she’s now... more

30 Mar 2023 · 18 minutes
Ep 136: [Finding Leads] Why I Vote Nay on Free Strategy and Consultation Sessions And What To Do Instead

A lot of people in the service industry use the free consultation strategy to get leads.You have most likely seen... more

23 Mar 2023 · 15 minutes
Ep 135: [Finding Leads] What to Do When All Your Leads Come From Word of Mouth

Do most or all of your leads come from word of mouth or referrals?Do you feel lucky that you've never... more

16 Mar 2023 · 19 minutes
Ep 134: [Finding Leads] Busting Lead Generation Myths

The sales and marketing part of your business is the lifeblood of your business.Without marketing and sales, you have no... more

09 Mar 2023 · 16 minutes
EP 133: [Finding Leads] To Social Media or Not? That is the million-dollar question.

Should you invest your time and money on social media to get leads for your branding agency?That is the million... more

02 Mar 2023 · 13 minutes
Ep 132: [Client Love] How To Delight Your Clients

How can you turn all clients into raving fan clients who love working with you and cannot stop telling all... more

23 Feb 2023 · 10 minutes
Ep 131: [Client Love] A Communication Framework That Fosters Trust and Eliminates BS

Last week I talked about the importance of building trust with your clients in order to have a great client... more

16 Feb 2023 · 10 minutes
EP 130: [Client Love] Building Trusting Relationships With Your Clients

Think back to the last client you truly loved working with. What did you love about it?For me, I love... more

09 Feb 2023 · 18 minutes
EP 129: The What, Why and Where of BS in our Businesses (And How to Get Rid of Them)

This podcast is called No BS Agencies, but what exactly do I mean by BS?Where does it come from? Why... more

26 Jan 2023 · 16 minutes
Ep 128: This Will Make You Think Differently About Business Stress and Overwhelm

Do you ever feel, as you grow your business, that you are white-knuckling it?You feel like you’re driving a jalopy,... more

19 Jan 2023 · 15 minutes
Ep 127: 5 Lessons from 12 Years in Business

As Steve and I head into our 12th year in business, I’ve been thinking about all the incredible highs I’ve... more

12 Jan 2023 · 15 minutes
EP 126: Three Things To Do In January To Set Up Your Entire Year For Success

Happy 2023 and welcome back.Do you wanna be successful in 2023? I bet you do. January is the time when many... more

05 Jan 2023 · 17 minutes
Ep 125: Strategies for Not Working and Taking Time Off (and Not Feeling Guilty or Overwhelmed)

When you work for yourself, it’s hard to turn it off, right?It’s hard not to think about the client who... more

15 Dec 2022 · 15 minutes
Ep 124: The Argument for Why Packaged Services and Standardized Pricing Make Total Sense

How should you price and package your services when your services are often custom and bespoke and specific to the... more

08 Dec 2022 · 13 minutes
Ep 123: Does thinking about taxes get you down? Here are 3 things to do to change that!

As the year comes to an end, one of the things I'm thinking about is taxes.It’s not a sexy topic... more

01 Dec 2022 · 10 minutes
Ep 122: Didn't Meet Your 2022 Revenue Goals? 3 Things You Can Do To Set Yourself Up For 2023.

There is one month left in 2022.The holidays are upon us and many of us are starting to take inventory... more

24 Nov 2022 · 20 minutes
Ep 121: Word of Mouth and Referrals are Great. Here's Why They're Also Dangerous.

How do you get your business? Do you get most of your business (or all of it) from word of... more

17 Nov 2022 · 16 minutes
Ep 120: Worried About The Recession? Here's What I Want You To Do.

If you’re hearing rumors that there is a recession coming, or that we might even be in a recession right... more

10 Nov 2022 · 10 minutes
Ep 119: How Can You Guarantee and Promise Benefits That Are Not 100% Contingent on Your Work

Anytime you’re selling services, especially to small businesses, it’s important that you connect the work that you do to the... more

03 Nov 2022 · 13 minutes
Ep 118: Building Your Authority Machine: What and When to Outsource

Building an authority machine that is going to send you high quality leads every single day takes a big upfront... more

27 Oct 2022 · 15 minutes
Ep 117: Where and How to Start Your Authority Machine When You're Starting From Scratch

If you want to build your authority, but you have zero posts and no online presence, where do you even... more

20 Oct 2022 · 23 minutes
Ep 116: Networking or Authority Building: Where Should You Focus

Being seen as an authority can make sales so much easier. So of course it seems like something you should invest... more

13 Oct 2022 · 18 minutes
Ep 115: How to Start an Authority Machine: My Story

How do you build a business that is not constantly struggling to find clients?That’s the million dol...

06 Oct 2022 · 16 minutes
Ep 114: How to be a Great Client

I'm usually on this podcast talking about how to find great clients, turn people into great clients,and manage people to... more

29 Sep 2022 · 5 minutes
Ep 113: How to Raise Your Prices Sustainably and What Premium Pricing is Really All About

I know you’ve heard this advice before: “You should raise your prices because charging premium prices is the best way... more

22 Sep 2022 · 14 minutes
Ep 112: Dan Gingiss on What Makes a Memorable Customer Experience (Which Does Not Mean Expensive)

You might not think of customer experience as marketing, but it is.If you’re a small agency, you might not be... more

15 Sep 2022 · 45 minutes
EP 111: Five Sins You Must Avoid If You're Looking For More Money From Your Clients (and What To Do Instead)

How do you get a client to spend more money with you, give you more work, and basically give you... more

08 Sep 2022 · 28 minutes
Ep 110: Where Financial Security Really Comes From and How You Can Build It

I see loads of ads online for growing a million dollar business or building passive income products and all sorts... more

01 Sep 2022 · 18 minutes
Summer Break Bonus: Dorie Clark on Playing the Long Game

I’m taking the month of August off to be with my family, and I hope you’re taking some time to... more

25 Aug 2022 · 25 minutes
Summer Break Bonus: Kia Abrera on Recognizing Burnout and Creating Her Own Work-Life Balance

I’m taking the month of August off to be with my family, and I hope you’re taking some time to... more

18 Aug 2022 · 27 minutes
Summer Break Bonus: Ediuska Laurens on Leaning Into Your Big Vision

I’m taking the month of August off to be with my family. I hope you’re taking some time to do... more

11 Aug 2022 · 40 minutes
Summer Break Bonus: Michael Roderick on Building a Referable Brand

I’m taking the month of August off to be with my family, and I hope you’re taking some time to... more

04 Aug 2022 · 50 minutes
Ep 109: #SpainBrain and the Importance of Taking Time to Rest and Recharge

Whenever we talk about success in business, it’s usually about how to make more money, how to make more profit,... more

28 Jul 2022 · 22 minutes
EP 108: How to Get Disciplined, Stop Endlessly Exploring, and Call Your Creative Work "Done"

I got this question in the Facebook group the other day: How can I get more disciplined to get to... more

21 Jul 2022 · 16 minutes
Ep 107: Did You Know You Can Make Great Clients? Here's How.

Have you ever wondered why everyone you talk to is a challenging client, and everyone you talk to doesn’t have... more

14 Jul 2022 · 18 minutes
Ep 106: How Vincent Kitirattragarn Built Dang Foods, an Award-Winning Asian Snacks Company, From Scratch

A couple of weeks ago, I hosted my 20th high school reunion.And while I was there, I had the chance... more

07 Jul 2022 · 52 minutes
EP 105: Getting Paid to Pitch: The Lead Product Method

Pitching your work, writing proposals, sending out proposals and never hearing back from clients, or hearing from clients that “this... more

30 Jun 2022 · 26 minutes
Ep 104: Building the Authority Machine in Your Business

How would you like it if you could sit back and clients — hungry, excited, motivated clients, the kind of... more

23 Jun 2022 · 23 minutes
Ep 103: Are You Interested in The Idea or Are You Committed to Making It Happen?

Are you interested or are you committed?This was the question posted by my friend, Melanie Spring the other day. And... more

16 Jun 2022 · 13 minutes
Ep 102: Josh Thomas on the Difference Between Being in Motion and Being in Action, and Why One of Them Gets You Results

Today, you get to meet one of my secret weapons, one of the magic bullets behind my business. Josh Thomas is... more

09 Jun 2022 · 46 minutes
Ep 101: My 50-25-25 Pricing Formula to Profit And Freedom

How do you determine the prices you charge for your services?Do you give yourself an hourly rate and estimate how... more

26 May 2022 · 21 minutes
Ep 100: The Evolution of a Business

Have you ever struggled to make decisions about your business?Whether it’s investing in your business, crafting your messaging, focusing your... more

19 May 2022 · 27 minutes
Ep 99: What is Strategy? And Why Does It Feel So Hard and Elusive?

Do you do graphic design or do you do branding?Do you do visual branding or do you do strategic branding?Do... more

12 May 2022 · 13 minutes
Ep 98: Justina Cerra Lucas Breaks Down What Marketing Really Is and What It Isn't

Doing marketing can really suck.It can suck your time. It can suck your energy. And a lot of marketi...

05 May 2022 · 40 minutes
Ep 97: The One Killer Outreach Strategy: What Is It and How to Implement It

When you’re networking and connecting with people in the early stages of your business, it’s easy to slip out of... more

28 Apr 2022 · 15 minutes
Ep 96: How Do You Get Clients? Here's How: Short and Long-Term Marketing Strategies

Being able to attract and close clients is a fundamental part of any service business. If you can't do this, you... more

21 Apr 2022 · 18 minutes
Ep 95: No BS Truth: What You're Focused on Right Now May Not Be The Right Thing to Do Based on Where You Are in Your Business

When you think about your week, what are the most important things you focus on to move your business forward?Maybe... more

14 Apr 2022 · 13 minutes
Ep 94: Shannon Mattern Differentiates Spending vs Investing and Explains Her Criteria for Making Investment Decisions has been deleted.

No entrepreneur goes straight up the ladder to success. And no entrepreneur achieves success without investing in themselves.But how do... more

07 Apr 2022 · 54 minutes
Ep 93: Truth Bomb: Delivering The Work in Less Time Delivers More Value for the Client

The No BS Agency model is about doing projects in intensives. This means short timelines.A lot of people wonder, "Won’t... more

31 Mar 2022 · 11 minutes
Ep 92: The Difference Between a Freelancer and an Expert And Why You Want to be Intentional in How You Position Yourself

Do you feel stuck charging low prices for your work? Do you feel like people around you just don't ever want... more

24 Mar 2022 · 15 minutes
Ep 91: How to Gain Financial Safety and Feel Financially Secure (Even if You Don't Have Lots of Money in the Bank)

I bet you have a number you want to make each month. Maybe it’s the holy grail of making six... more

17 Mar 2022 · 15 minutes
Ep 90: The Real Deal About Creatives And Their Art And Why Perfectionism Doesn't Help Your Clients

A designer recently told me they’re very intrigued by these one-to-three day intensive models, but their issue was they "can’t... more

10 Mar 2022 · 16 minutes
Ep 89: Rochelle Moulton and Jonathan Stark Dive Deep on Productized Services, Fixed and Value-Based Pricing, and Building Authority

Productizing your services is a hell of a great way to run a business, make better money and live a... more

03 Mar 2022 · 52 minutes
Ep 88: Truth Bombs About Retainer Models and Why They Are Not Profitable

Retainer model clients. Are they the holy grail of small agencies? Or the source of their eventual downfall.So many small... more

24 Feb 2022 · 18 minutes
Ep 87: Why Focusing on the Money to Earn More Money Isn't Going to Make You More Money (and Where to Focus Instead)

Everybody wants to make more money without working more hours. That's the dream, right? That's what I sell: How to... more

17 Feb 2022 · 13 minutes
Ep 86: Step Inside the "Non-Sales" Sales Conversation and Learn Why It's The Only Sales Convo You'll Ever Want to Have

Raise your hand if you hate sales.It's probably the most common thing that people struggle with when they're building a... more

10 Feb 2022 · 14 minutes
Ep 85: Jennifer Anastasi Implements the No BS Agency Model and Tells Us All About it: The Good, The Bad, and The Awesome

What does shifting from the old default model of working with clients to using the No BS Agency model actually... more

03 Feb 2022 · 1 hour, 3 minutes
Ep 84: Five Principles for Eliminating Never-Ending Revisions and Banish Scope Creep Forever

The never-ending revisions process and project scope creep are two of the key reasons that most small branding and creative... more

27 Jan 2022 · 21 minutes
Ep 83: Exactly What BS Did We Cut and How Were We Able to Do It

“How is it even possible to do it that fast? Aren't you sacrificing quality? You must be selling templates.”These are... more

20 Jan 2022 · 18 minutes
Ep 82: How Do You Sell Something That All Your Competitors Are Giving Away for Free?

In the creative agency space, almost everyone follows the same process to close clients. I did too. First, you network to... more

13 Jan 2022 · 27 minutes
Ep 81: You Are The Hero Of Your No BS Agency

It's the beginning of January, which means a lot of us are thinking about goals and what we really want... more

06 Jan 2022 · 12 minutes
Ep 80: Exciting Business Goals for 2022 and Going All-In on What's Next

Every year, I do at least one, if not two, full days of strategizing and planning with Steve.And it’s not... more

23 Dec 2021 · 22 minutes
Ep 79: The Business Model You Need if You Want Work-Life Balance and The Secret Behind a Successful Passive Income Business

Last episode, I told the story of how Steve and I started Worst of All Design and how it evolved... more

16 Dec 2021 · 20 minutes
Ep 78: Getting Out of the Fear Place, Selecting a New Business Model, and Fundamentally Changing the Way We Do Business

A couple of months ago, I started running Facebook ads again. And with Facebook ads, come all kinds of comments... more

09 Dec 2021 · 35 minutes
Ep 77: Julia Pimsleur Dives Into Why Mindset is the Key to Achieving Our Big Goals and the Mindset Practices She Encourages Us All to Adopt

We make assumptions all day long. And those assumptions dictate how we respond to people and situations around us.

02 Dec 2021 · 1 hour, 1 minute
Ep 76: Hillary Weiss on Finding, Visualizing, and Showcasing the Thing That Makes You Special in the World

What’s holding you back from putting yourself out there, whether in articles, on social media, in videos, or just sending... more

25 Nov 2021 · 54 minutes
Ep 75: Focus on Process Over Product and Build Your Resilience

When you’re an entrepreneur, you’re in a constant state of not knowing. No matter how much you know, there is always... more

18 Nov 2021 · 20 minutes
Ep 74: Seth Erickson Shares His Research and New Book on Why Storytelling in Business Works and How We Can Tell More Engaging Stories

You know you’re great at what you do. You know how to deliver value to your customers. But when it... more

11 Nov 2021 · 48 minutes
Ep 73: How to Guarantee Your Own Success

If you absolutely knew you were going to be successful, to have the business and the life you want, what... more

04 Nov 2021 · 28 minutes
Ep 72: Jared Kleinert Peels Back the Curtain on His Processes, Habits, and Relationships That Have Allowed Him to Accomplish So Much at 26

Do you have a clear set of goals for your business each year? Or a systematic way of orienting your business... more

21 Oct 2021 · 51 minutes
Ep 71: Philip Morgan Explains Why Our Relationship to Risks Matters a Whole Lot When Picking Our Business Strategy and Specialization Area

How much risk are you willing to take?For some, the idea of taking a giant leap of faith is exhilarating.... more

14 Oct 2021 · 1 hour, 3 minutes
Ep 70: Jeffrey Van Dyk on Finding Your Perfect Market, the Work Only You Can Do, and the Messaging That Hits The Bullseye

Everyone wants to find their one perfect square inch of the market where they can go a mile deep, do... more

07 Oct 2021 · 1 hour, 7 minutes
Ep 69: Nate Bagley on Nurturing an Amazing Relationship With Your Romantic Partner and Why This Is So Important in Business

Whenever people ask me how I built a business with my husband, they usually add, with an eye roll, “because... more

30 Sep 2021 · 53 minutes
EP 68: Talia Koren on How an Intentional and Wildly Successful Instagram Strategy Fueled the Growth of Her Business

What really goes into building your platform?   Whether it’s Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn or another site, building an audience for your business... more

23 Sep 2021 · 45 minutes
EP 67: Dorie Clark Drops Truth Bombs About Playing the Long Game and How to Make Your Own Luck

What are you willing to do to get to what you really want?And how many times are you willing...

16 Sep 2021 · 453196 hours, 55 minutes
No BS Agency Podcast
Ep 70: Jeffrey Van Dyk on Finding Your Perfect Market, the Work Only You Can Do, and the Messaging That Hits The Bullseye
No BS Agency Podcast

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Everyone wants to find their one perfect square inch of the market where they can go a mile deep, do good work,... more