The Best Advice Show is your reminder that there are weird, delightful and effective ways to make life slightly and sometimes profoundly... more
If you can't get to the forest for a hike, try this maneuver in your neighborhood.
"How can you give your friends certainty so that they never have to second-guess does this friend value our friendship?"
On starting your own lineage of deep listening.
You don't have to listen to Drake but it might help.
If you're suffering from self-doubt, second-guessing, stuckness...try this.
How to replace a tired routine with something better plus your chance to tell Zak how you really feel about... more
"We really underestimate people's desire for feedback."
It's possible to go from a late person to an early person. Here's how.
first-aid kit, laminated documents, perishable food and more...
Who do you want to be tomorrow?
A handful of strategies to fall asleep, stay asleep and start your day with meaning and vigor.
On the importance of building rejection resilience.
On creating cosmic guests lists.
"Next time some element of your neighborhood or other routine setting grabs your attention, take inspiration from the Squirrel Census... more
On cultivating more love and kindness while still making room for the anger.
Honk if you're a silly goose.
Go to, figure out where your precinct is and VOTE!
An advice adventure in Central Park featuring a gaggle of lovely life advice.
You go all the way or YOU DON’T GO.
The complete opposite of tuna on toast or how The Opposite earns a lot of attention.
Here's how Susan managed to get a long overdue apology from her dad.
The guys from Bonny Doon explain how to play a very fun and competitive car game involving your favorite music.
Some tips on how to enjoy being alone
I'll talk to you soon.
How to be a period rather than a question mark.
A genuine journey to figure out how to make it through to the other side of a friend breakup.
Do you feel unseen or under-appreciated in your creative journey and career? Does it feel like you don’t have anyone... more
"When you leap to the negative it doesn't help anybody."
An alternative to reaching for things (like your phone) robotically. There's a better way to live!
How being nostalgic for yourself, tapping into your teenage passions and marrying your past and current selves can lead you... more
Some things are not for your to know.
"The person most likely to change the mind of a middle-aged, American guy when it comes to climate change is... more
"The more people you tell about your dreams, the less likely it is to happen."
What if you didn't take your summer vacation in the summer?
The hardest way to apply for a job is looking for a listing that aligns with your skills.
If you're bringing food to someone in need of care, consider NOT making lasagna.
"Stop waiting for that imaginary time when you're not gonna be anxious or scared..."
Advice for dog people, howlers and bird callers looking for an outlet.
If you're having a hard time making tiny decisions, it's time to inject some randomness into your life.
Next time you're out of town, this strategy is going to lead to some amazing, local eats.
Here's how to make your dreams more vivid and your life more dynamic.
On scrapbooking, memory making and re-living joy.
On how and why to invest time in organizing your photos.
Find the commonalities between your dots.
A bushel full of weird, wonderful tips.
"To pop into this space and not be beholden to the relationship that you have with the people that are... more
'Do I even like this person? and other essential questions to stop people-pleasing.
How to practice empathy for yourself, retrospectively.
I promise you that doing work on gonna be a lot less painful and a lot less damaging than... more
When is it time to quit something, and when should you stick with it?
If one of the reasons you're not quitting something is because you don't want to be a quitter, that's not... more
Also, I had a friend date with my Lyft driver.
A Partial Register of the 927 (or was in 928?) Eternal Truths.
It's called Snack Hour. Here's how it works.
All of use are committed to having trusting relationships. Here's what gets in the way of that.
What's the difference between facing the truth and telling the truth?
On how to process emotional pain.
On how to exorcise the icky
Do look up!
On injecting generative friction into our lives.
A question to push yourself beyond what you thought you could be.
It's time. You know it. I know it. The universe knows it.
Heidi and Chiaro called the advice show hotline @ 844-935-BEST. You should call too!
You should make a list of all of the things you've always wanted to include...
"I think of sound as being an energy channel from one phenomenon to another, a sensory channel of connection that’s... more
"The more I slow down, the more I tend to make something that I think is of a higher quality..."
DON'T LOOK UP (at the clock).
"If we're creating this daisy chain of hurt people, it's eventually gonna come back to us."
3 reasons why picking up garbage will make you feel better.
You're so much better off doing a whole bunch of really little things instead of a grand gesture.
Here's how you can start looking at art, or anything, for longer.
How to surrender to whatever wants to come though.
Allow yourself to do something with the burnt rice and other tips on working with what you've got in the... more
"What if, instead of viewing our professional lives as a race to the top, we viewed them as an essential... more
Open the closet door of your relationship. It doesn't take much.
On the healing revelations of Roger Ebert's dying words.
"Our deepest fear is not that we're inadequate, it's that we are powerful beyond measure."
On learning to express the highs and lows.
On the logistical and philosophical dimensions of planning a living funeral.
The story of a devotional Detroit Lions fan and his 28 year streak.
What does it mean to still endeavor to find joy despite our grief?
"Dad is buried. What do you want me to do with you?"
On creating a legacy of food, love and tradition.
How to say goodbye to your pet.
Plan your funeral before it's too late.
On finding a place for our grief once the fog lifts.
Zak's end of year/beginning of the new year special featuring a gaggle of wise voices on where we've been and... more
YOU might be The Rizzler
Have guest slippers and sweatpants ready.
List all the things you can't control.
Here's how to physicalize the very abstract notion of letting go.
Carry singles in your wallet.
"If you don't want it, go ahead and pass it along."
Chef and author, Abra Berens says food waste is a sin. Here's how to avoid it.
"Music is there for us to harmonize our histories...We can use music to talk about things that are hard to... more
How to avoid overflowing your toilet in 4 easy steps.
You have to tell your partner what you need. Here's how to actually do that.
You CAN handle the truth(s)!!!!!!!!
"Those tiny interactions open up so many opportunities for intimacy."
Go where everybody knows your name.
Introducing The Mash-Up Americans. We are all on a spiritual path, according to Rainn Wilson — and he’s not talking... more
Remember doing this in middle school? You're not too old to do it now!
Here's a way to improve the night of a down and out trick or treater.
Both a practice and a metaphor.
A 5-step process to get off social media.
This is how you find a friend.
Just say you're welcome.
"The more we can share the fact that we're not grinding it out every minute of the day, the more... more
"It's not about me at that point in time."
This is a story about two people – best friends Mohsin and Dalia. And one potentially life-changing decision: will she... more
It's about being open to serendipity and taking your time.
"Ultimately, your job as a human being is to socialize with other human beings."
Squeegee yourself before getting out of the shower.
This old Jewish folktale will shift your perspective next time you feel overwhelmed.
On how unconventional expertise leads to new paradigms.
A subtle and profound lesson from a master math teacher.
Zak hasn't ran a mile since he was forced to in elementary school. He's finally ready to try again.
Tough stuff happens all the time. Be prepared with a few, empathetic catch phrases.
Learn how to promote your own work and and still feel good on the other side of it!