All they want is love. Everyone else wants their fortune. Based on historical research, As The Money Burns is a... more
Fiery passion not only infects the young but the old as well, including one heir’s mother caught up in another... more
Young love burns bright and impulsively as an heiress runs off to marry her prince, only to regret it days... more
As Tennis Week ends, the real competition is over the three best finale parties, with one hostess playing with all... more
A big birthday arrives with a large inheritance and thus the ability to finally control one’s life or so it... more
As tough times persist, several dangers lie ahead for dreams, fortunes, and more importantly life itself. May – August 1933, many... more
While one honeymoon falls apart, another set of bachelors appear on the matrimonial market. #BarbaraHutton, #PrinceMdivani, #honeymoon, #Stotesbury, #MarryingMdivanis, #politicalspeech, #Astor,... more
A large crowd gathers for a fairy tale royal wedding, but will the honeymoon have a happy ending? Part... more
A royal wedding draws a large crowd, but could the honeymoon be over already? June 1933, Barbara Hutton and Prince Alexis... more
It’s another season of international sports competition, so where has one tennis star disappeared to this time? June 1933, Frank Shields... more
Pending nuptials bring more attention to a royal fiancé and his questionable lineage. May 1933, Franklyn Hutton finally agrees to announce... more
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