A history podcast discussing various cultural genres which reference the First World War, including detective fiction, Star Wars and death metal music,... more
How do you walk people through First World War landscapes? This month we welcome back Prof Mark Connelly to... more
How do you teach the FIrst World War? This month we're joined by Dr Ann-Marie Einhaus and Prof Catriona Pennell... more
Can you turn the First World War into sketch comedy? This month we talk to the public historian, podcaster, and... more
What happens when the First World War meets pulp science fiction? This month we read the novel: Black Hand Gang... more
What happens when fantasy meets the First World War? This month, we read 'The Warm Hands of Ghosts' by... more
This month Angus, Chris and Jessica discuss Jessica's professorial inaugural lecture, 'No (Wo)man's Land: writing history at the intersection of... more
What happens when three historians watch a key play about the First World War? This month we took a field... more
What opportunities did the First World War provide for cultural tourism? This month Angus, Jessica and Chris speak to Allison... more
What happens when you turn a First World War medical process into a computer game? This month Angus, Jessica,... more
What happens when you turn the French experience of the war into a cooperative game? This month Jessica, Angus, and... more
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