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Periods & Power Moves
Periods & Power Moves
Vianney Leigh

Welcome to the Periods & Power Moves podcast with me your host, Vianney Leigh. This show is here to inspire, empower and... more

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Re-Release 2: (Ep.30) Your Ultimate Guide: Cycle Syncing With Food

I'm bringing you a re-release of an absolute value-bomb of an episode this week, where you’ll get all the details... more

07 Sep 2021 · 30 minutes
Re-Release 1: (Ep.29) 5 Reasons To Pay Attention To Your Cycle

In this podcast episode, we’re going to go over exactly why I invite you to explore and to start paying... more

31 Aug 2021 · 41 minutes
#60 The Cosmic Energy You Are Underutilising

"So we've come to the end of of the road..." 🎤 (Boyz II Men voice). Well, not really the end... more

16 Aug 2021 · 17 minutes
#59 3 Steps To Being In Sacred Ceremony With Your Life

I didn't record the podcast last week or the week before. I felt like I was on a hamster wheel... more

09 Aug 2021 · 19 minutes
#58 How to Maximise Each Phase of your Cycle for your Biz

Did you know that your menstrual cycle is broken down into four phases? On today’s episode, I have a really fun... more

26 Jul 2021 · 18 minutes
#57 Power Hours: Creating Space During Your Inner Autumn

Every other week I get together with the incredible and courageous women that are enrolled in my signature program Flow... more

19 Jul 2021 · 12 minutes
#56 2 Quick Ways To Create Internal & Energetic Shifts

On this episode today, I'm super excited because I am actually revealing a little lesson from the exclusive masterclass that... more

12 Jul 2021 · 33 minutes
#55 How To Activate Your Vagina & Get Turned On By Life with Grace Hazel

Today’s episode is about all the things I love talking about: sensuality, sexuality, and your deep feminine power. I dive... more

05 Jul 2021 · 1 hour, 10 minutes
#54 Why You Need To Surrender Into Your Calling As a Intuitive Coach

What do you know about being an online spiritual coach? What do you know about being an energy healer? What... more

28 Jun 2021 · 30 minutes
#53 Embodying Your Femininity, Enhancing Your Sex-Life + Elevating Your Relationships with Eleanor Hadley

Today’s episode is another Live episode with Eleanor Hadley. She is absolute light when it comes to all things sex... more

21 Jun 2021 · 1 hour, 6 minutes
Periods & Power Moves
Re-Release 2: (Ep.30) Your Ultimate Guide: Cycle Syncing With Food
Periods & Power Moves
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