5-4 is a podcast about how much the Supreme Court sucks. It's a progressive and occasionally profane take on the ideological battles... more
White collar ass crime... You can subscribe to 5-4 Premium on Patreon, Apple Podcasts, or Spotify. 5-4 is presented by... more
Is being dosed against your will with mind-altering drugs just part of being a soldier? You won't believe what the... more
You've heard about the law on 5-4… now, what if you went to a school about it? In this annual... more
This is a subscriber-only episode about Biden's proposals for reforming the Supreme Court... will the hosts of 5-4 say "we... more
Did the January 6th riot "obstruct an official proceeding"? That depends on how you interpret that very straightforward and unambiguous... more
It's not about BEING homeless, it's about doing something that's homeless. If you're not a 5-4 Premium member, you're not... more
Barbie doesn't have shit on John Roberts. Now that he's killed off Chevron deference, Roberts can be an aircraft safety... more
We once again revisit the idea that a bribe is only a bribe if it's in a pillowcase with a... more
This case includes descriptions of domestic violence. Please take care while listening.If you're not a 5-4 Premium member, you're not... more
Take a deep breath. John Roberts just handed Donald Trump the keys to the country and said "don't bother bringing it... more