Let's drop expectations, judgement, comparison, pretense, ego, and anything else that threatens to stand in our way as we chase our endurance... more
Doesn't it feel a little bit like as soon as we get used to a new normal right now, something... more
Garmin devices are down all over and athletes everywhere are having a bit of an existential crisis: If it's not... more
Girl! You are holding way too much all the time!You are making incredibly hard decision after incredibly hard decision. You... more
Just about all of us have been handing the disappointment of cancelled, deferred, shifted-to-virtual race announcements. We have come to... more
Are you still doing your workouts outside? Great! If not, did you now that you can actually train your body... more
It might sound a little woo woo, but it's actually super practical to consider that the best way to stay... more
Just this week, several huge races had to cancel their upcoming events. It stinks. No doubt. But even though your... more
Let's take a look at why we come to endurance sports like running and triathlon. I mean anything from a... more
Are there words that you are holding onto as part of your identity that really just don't describe you anymore?Clumsy.... more
Once we are a little lost in our athlete lives, how do we get back on track?I'm not sure why... more
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