Are you looking for deep dive conversations into topics like dog training & behavior issues, the best health & nutrition options for... more
Have you ever struggled with your dog’s reactivity? Whether your dog is reactive to other dogs, people or something in the... more
Ever since Nessie joined our family, I’ve had to step up my pet parenting to incorporate more enrichment and training... more
Do you have goals for your dogs in 2025? In this solo episode, Erin shares: My complicated relationship with the concept of... more
What’s more important to you: What your dog does? Or how your dog feels? This question is at the core... more
Have you ever used herbal remedies for your dog? or yourself? If you started your day with a cup of... more
Want to give your dog the best year ever? Let your dog be a dog with more canine enrichment activities... more
Have you ever wondered if you’re making the “right” decisions for your dog during an injury or illness? Support this podcast,... more
If you're anything like me, you enjoy shopping for other people but have a more difficult time telling people what... more
Holiday Giving Campaign: Let’s help Cara Achterberg (Episode 75) provide her newest book Who Will Let the Dogs Out: Stories... more
In this solo episode, Erin is celebrating one year since their family adopted Nessie – which hasn’t always gone according... more