Believe in Dog

Believe in Dog
Author: Erin Scott (Erin the Dog Mom)
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Are you looking for deep dive conversations into topics like dog training & behavior issues, the best health & nutrition options for your dog or an honest look at rescues, shelters & the animal welfare world?
Join Erin for candid discussions sharing wisdom that will help you navigate the challenges of pet parenthood, celebrate the amazing times and discover everything that Dog Moms & Dog Dads should know.
Erin believes that dogs can be healers, teachers and inspirations in our lives. Say hi to your dog for me!
Join Erin for candid discussions sharing wisdom that will help you navigate the challenges of pet parenthood, celebrate the amazing times and discover everything that Dog Moms & Dog Dads should know.
Erin believes that dogs can be healers, teachers and inspirations in our lives. Say hi to your dog for me!
117 Episodes
Have you ever struggled with your dog’s reactivity?
Whether your dog is reactive to other dogs, people or something in the environment, Grisha Stewart’s Behavior Adjustment Training (BAT) may be what you’ve been looking for to help your dog lead a more comfortable life.
Grisha developed BAT training while dealing with her own dog, Peanut’s, reactivity. Despite doing everything “right” – according to the dog training advice available at the time – she was she still struggling.
Grisha shares with us the principles of BAT and how BAT is based on positive reinforcement, but without the use of food. Focusing on resiliency and empowering your dog, BAT builds your dog’s confidence, communication and trust.
What about those times when we face a setback and our dog does get reactive? We’ll learn about the choices we can make to best support our dog from the human end of the leash, as well.
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Get your free checklist: Join Erin the Dog Mom's email list to receive the 12 Changes in Your Dog to Never Ignore checklist.
Teef: The easiest way to improve your dog’s dental health is with a spoonful of Teef powder in their water. Save 20% on your Teef orders when you use the code: ADM.
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Ever since Nessie joined our family, I’ve had to step up my pet parenting to incorporate more enrichment and training into our home than ever before.
I’ve spent a lot of time (and money!) over the past year trying numerous different online dog training platforms. While many of them have great information, not all of them worked well for me.
In this solo episode, I’m sharing the 4 factors you should know before choosing an online dog training class and my top 5 favorite online learning platforms.
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Get your free checklist: Join Erin the Dog Mom's email list to receive the 12 Changes in Your Dog to Never Ignore checklist.
Teef: The easiest way to improve your dog’s dental health is with a spoonful of Teef powder in their water. Save 20% on your Teef orders when you use the code: ADM.
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Do you have goals for your dogs in 2025?
In this solo episode, Erin shares:
My complicated relationship with the concept of goal setting;
The goals I’ve had for my dogs over the past 20 years … before Nessie;
How I feel about setting goals for my dogs today; and
The goals I have for my dogs in 2025.
I’m also sharing the experience Nessie & I had when we dipped our toe into the world of dog sports with our Odor Recognition Test - and whether or not we’ll continue on with nose work titles.
Tell me your goals for your dog in 2025! @erin_the_dog_mom
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February is Pet Dental Health Month!
Teef: The easiest way to improve your dog’s dental health is with a spoonful of Teef powder in their water. Save 20% on your Teef orders when you use the code: ADM.
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What’s more important to you: What your dog does? Or how your dog feels? This question is at the core of Andrew Hale’s Dog Centered Care approach.
An emerging thought leader in the dog training world, Andrew draws on his background in human psychology to place empathy and a deep understanding of a dog’s emotional experience at the heart of his work. He’ll even share with us his biggest ethical dilemma with the field of dog training.
You might want to have a notebook handy as Andrew breaks down concepts for us such as: his “safety first” protocol, his Learn – Support – Teach mantra, and how the 3 A’s of psychology relate to dog training.
Andrew and I also discuss common challenges faced by pet parents, including the cycle of conflict triggered by a dog's reactivity, and how to emotionally navigate those moments when tough decisions must be made for your fearful or reactive dog, such as an emergency vet visit.
You can find Andrew in his Dog Centered Care Facebook Group or YouTube channel.
Find links and show notes at:
February is Pet Dental Health Month!
Teef: The easiest way to improve your dog’s dental health is with a spoonful of Teef powder in their water. Save 20% on your Teef orders when you use the code: ADM.
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Have you ever used herbal remedies for your dog? or yourself? If you started your day with a cup of coffee or tea, then your answer is Yes!
Rita Hogan, the Canine Herbalist, has so much wisdom to share with us. From being raised on a rural farm to running a holistic pug rescue, Rita has dedicated her life to practicing western herbal medicine for pets and people.
For many of us, essential oils are a common form of herbal remedies that we’re familiar with. But Rita shares with us why essential oils should NOT be your first choice for healing – and what to use instead.
Rita also discusses her wholistic perspective on the treatment of anxiety in dogs – giving us a sample of what to expect from
Get your free checklist: Join Erin the Dog Mom's email list to receive the 12 Changes in Your Dog to Never Ignore checklist.
Teef: The easiest way to improve your dog’s dental health is with a spoonful of Teef powder in their water. Save 20% on your Teef orders when you use the code: ADM.
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Want to give your dog the best year ever? Let your dog be a dog with more canine enrichment activities in their lives!
When Taylor Finton & her husband adopted their American Village dogs – rescued from the island of St. Lucia - Taylor thought it would be fun to document her dogs’ new lives in Canada. So Taylor started Bindi’s Bucket List as a blog and on Instagram. When she started sharing her Kong recipes, pet parents around the world took notice!
But as Taylor shares with us, canine enrichment isn’t just Kong recipes – it’s so much more! Taylor’s new book, The Happiest Dog on the Block: Canine Enrichment Activities to Keep Your Dog Young & Healthy, is packed with fun and easy activities that are also backed by scientific research.
Did you know there are 6 different categories of canine enrichment? Taylor shares examples of each type and how to determine which are your dog’s favorites.
We’ll also learn how to create a canine enrichment plan for our dogs and the #1 thing to avoid when trying new enrichment activities.
Taylor even tells us how to choose or modify enrichment activities for puppies and senior dogs, as well as fearful or reactive dogs.
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Interested in more about canine enrichment? Join Erin the Dog Mom’s email list for a resource roundup coming soon.
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Have you ever wondered if you’re making the “right” decisions for your dog during an injury or illness?
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Teef: The easiest way to improve your dog’s dental health is with a spoonful of Teef powder in their water. Save 20% on your Teef orders when you use the code: ADM.
Hear Erin on the Rescued by a Dog Podcast
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Have you ever wondered if you’re making the “right” decisions for your dog during an injury or illness?
All Michelle Slater ever wanted was to have a dog of her own with whom she felt a special connection and bond. And her German Shepherd, Brady, was that dog.
In fact, Michelle even started learning animal communication to enhance her connection with Brady – something that she kept to herself, concerned her fellow professors in academia wouldn’t understand or would ridicule.
However, after a rollercoaster of adventures, Brady was struck with a life-threatening illness at only 5 years old. He spent months living at a vet hospital – where Michelle often slept on the floor next to him at night.
Michelle again turns to animal communication to guide her – with Brady’s input – to make the best decisions for his health during this scary time. And Brady’s profound messages are lessons for all of us.
Exploring topics of grief, loss – both human and animal – and the human-animal bond, Michelle’s book Soulmate Dog is part memoir and part essay. If you’ve ever been curious about how people have viewed animal telepathy over the years, it’s fascinating!
TW: Themes of grief and loss, both human and animal, throughout.
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If you're anything like me, you enjoy shopping for other people but have a more difficult time telling people what they should get you.
This episode will give you plenty of ideas for your Holiday Wish List (and your dog), no matter where you are in your Pet Parent journey.
From 1st time Pet Parent to the Dog-Obsessed and everything in between, click here for the list:
Get your free checklist: Join Erin the Dog Mom's email list to receive the 12 Changes in Your Dog to Never Ignore checklist.
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Holiday Giving Campaign: Let’s help Cara Achterberg (Episode 75) provide her newest book Who Will Let the Dogs Out: Stories & Solutions for FREE to America’s shelters and rescues!
What If you could solve your dog’s biggest behavior challenge TODAY? Dog trainer Juliana DeWillems says that while immediate results usually aren’t possible in dog training – they can be when we use management techniques.
In her new book Manage It! Hacks for Improving Your Dog’s Behavior, Juliana shares how us Pet Parents can easily solve many of our dog’s behavior challenges by changing our environment.
Juliana explains different approaches to managing our dog’s behavior when greeting holiday visitors at your home as well as dealing with reactive dogs. Her book even includes charts, worksheets, photos and videos (via QR code) to help you find the best hacks for your unique home, life and challenges.
We’ll discuss the difference between training and management – and when to use each one (or both!). Juliana & I also share some of our favorite management tools and techniques that we use with our own dogs.
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In this solo episode, Erin is celebrating one year since their family adopted Nessie – which hasn’t always gone according to plan.
Erin shares the story of how Nessie joined their family and what she wishes they had done differently in the meet & greet process.
Erin also reveals what Nessie has taught her – not just about training dogs but about herself, too. And this lesson might be something you’ve never heard before.
Get your free checklist: Join Erin the Dog Mom's email list to receive the 12 Changes in Your Dog to Never Ignore checklist.
Teef: The easiest way to improve your dog’s dental health is with a spoonful of Teef powder in their water. Save 20% on your Teef orders when you use the code: ADM.
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Has your dog ever helped you through a hard time in life? Your answer is most likely a resounding YES, right?
Author Christopher Dale credits Vector, his rescued “sato” dog from Puerto Rico, with helping him start a new chapter in life after going through hard times. Like really hard times. Like life-changing medical diagnosis turned depression turned addiction turned nearly blowing up his marriage-type hard times.
Chris became curious if other people were having a life-changingly special relationship with their rescue dog too. In his book “We Saved Each Other: How Rescue Dogs Help Us Through Hardship,” Chris mixes in his own memoir reflections with profiles of other rescue dog adopters to explore experiences such as trauma, grief, addiction and mental health challenges and examine the role of their dogs in their journey. (Trigger warning for ongoing discussion of these themes throughout the episode.)
"Courageous Vulnerability" is the phrase I kept thinking while reading "We Saved Each Other". I admire Chris and all those who share their stories for the vulnerability it takes to share some of the messier parts of life. And I thank Chris for holding space for me to share a part of my life that I don’t usually talk about, as well.
Chris also shares with us what he’s learned about the condition of sato dogs in Puerto Rico, the work of The Sato Project nonprofit organization and what he knows about Vector’s early life.
My hope is for this episode to be a reminder that despite our differences, we’re all going through the same types of challenges in this human experience.
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Get your free checklist: Join Erin the Dog Mom's email list to receive the 12 Changes in Your Dog to Never Ignore checklist.
Teef: The easiest way to improve your dog’s dental health is with a spoonful of Teef powder in their water. Save 20% on your Teef orders when you use the code: ADM.
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Have you ever thought about your pet parenting philosophy? Maybe you have an idea in your head of what you want your relationship with your dog(s) to look like, but how would you describe it?
A few months ago, on an Amazon recommendation & a whim, I bought Debby McMullen’s book How Many Dogs?! Using Positive Reinforcement training to Manage a Multiple Dog Household. And I loved the book so much, that I had to find Debby and bring her on the podcast.
Debby is known for sharing her life with multiple dogs. Working as a dog trainer since the late 1990s, Debby developed a niche in the dog training world helping families introduce & integrate new dogs into multi-dog households.
Debby shares – what I will call – her “ pet parenting philosophy” and it’s the closest explanation I’ve seen to how I feel about my relationship with my dogs. We discuss what this looks like through setting boundaries and the importance of routines & predictability for establishing trust with a new dog in your home.
So are you ready to introduce a new dog to your family? Whether you are or aren't, Debby identifies important body language and training cues that are helpful for any & every pet parent. We also discuss how to teach your dog good behavior without needing a clicker!
Debby & I also dive into the dynamics of multi-dog households – from navigating meal times to giving individual time & attention to refereeing playtime to dealing with any problems that arise.
So how many dogs is too many dogs? While that answer changes from family to family, Debby reveals factors for you & your family to consider when making this decision.
Find photos, links & show notes at:
Get your free checklist: Join Erin the Dog Mom's email list to receive the 12 Changes in Your Dog to Never Ignore checklist.
Teef: The easiest way to improve your dog’s dental health is with a spoonful of Teef powder in their water. Save 20% on your Teef orders when you use the code: ADM.
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Has your dog ever shown fear, anxiety or reactivity? If your dog hasn’t, I’d be willing to bet that you know someone whose dog is dealing with one of these issues.
Returning guest Dr. Zazie Todd is a psychologist who digs into the science of dog behavior to help us make the best decisions for our dogs.
Get your free checklist: Join Erin the Dog Mom's email list to receive the 12 Changes in Your Dog to Never Ignore checklist.
Teef: The easiest way to improve your dog’s dental health is with a spoonful of Teef powder in their water. Save 20% on your Teef orders when you use the code: ADM.
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Do we really have to understand science to teach our dogs?
According to Annie Grossman, it really does help - both us & our dogs - if we grasp the basics of how dogs learn. And she should know. Annie is the author of the new book How to Train Your Dog with Love & Science as well as the founder of the dog training collective School for the Dogs based in New York City.
But science doesn’t have to be difficult, and Annie helps simplify the concepts for us. As Annie’s book says: if we don’t actually understand how dogs learn, then we’re just “muddl[ing] along with a mix of intuition, good intentions and emotional reactions.” I know I’ve definitely been guilty of this!
Annie introduces us to the Training Triad, her 3-pronged approach to changing our dogs’ behavior. We also discuss what the LIMA approach (Least Intrusive, Minimally Aversive) means.
Annie also shares with us the many ways in which learning about learning benefits our lives – from making us smarter consumers to raising the next generation.
Find photos, links & show notes at:
Teef: The easiest way to improve your dog’s dental health is with a spoonful of Teef powder in their water. Save 20% on your Teef orders when you use the code: ADM.
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Have you ever heard someone say that you should be your dog’s “alpha”? I’ve heard all types of odd advice over the years, like don’t let your dog walk through the doorway before you or never feed your dog before you eat.
And I’ve always had lots of questions. Do dogs have alphas? or is that a wolf thing? You often hear the term “alpha male,” but in nature aren’t alpha females just as common? What is the role of the alpha in a pack? Are dogs even looking for humans to be their alpha?
Fortunately we have renowned ethologist Dr. Marc Bekoff to answer all these questions and more for us. Though a self-proclaimed “terrible student,” Dr. Bekoff is a prolific writer, and his remarkable career often has him collaborating with the likes of Jane Goodall.
As a pet parent companion animal guardian, Dr. Bekoff makes me think about the type of relationship I want to have with my dogs and the type of human I want to be. (And also about some of the past blunders I’ve inadvertently made.)
From sniffing & playtime to navigating dog parks, Dr. Bekoff gives us practical ways to truly honor our dogs’ “dogness.”
Find links & show notes at:
Teef: The easiest way to improve your dog’s dental health is with a spoonful of Teef powder in their water. Save 20% on your Teef orders when you use the code: ADM.
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We know that people can have different types of intelligence, but what about our dogs? I think every pet parent I know has been astonished by how smart their dog is – and usually in a good way.
Author Jennifer Holland explores the many different ways that dogs show their intelligence in her new book Dog Smart: Life Changing Lessons in Canine Intelligence.
Jennifer interviewed everyone from scientists to dog trainers to pet parents to learn how dogs demonstrate their smarts. I was fascinated to learn about all the different types of working dogs – some of which I’d never heard of before!
But what does this mean for pet parents? Jennifer shares with us what she now does differently with her own dogs after everything she learned while writing Dog Smart. We also discuss the types of intelligence we’ve seen in our own dogs.
Jennifer may also have the most adventurous career I’ve ever heard of. While working on assignment for National Geographic, she did everything from swim with sharks to camp out amongst the Indigenous people of Papau New Guinea (and the mosquitos!).
While writing Dog Smart, Jennifer’s intrepid spirit shows when she dons a “bite suit” to be “attacked” by a law enforcement K-9 and again when led blindfolded through the streets of Manhattan by a guide dog-in-training.
(This was my dog Nessie’s first time being my in-person interview helper, so please excuse her kong-chewing and water bowl slurping in the background.)
Find links & show notes at:
Teef: The easiest way to improve your dog’s dental health is with a spoonful of Teef powder in their water. Save 20% on your Teef orders when you use the code: ADM.
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Have you ever wondered what it’s like to work with an animal communicator? This is Part 2 of our family’s session with animal communicator, Nancy Mello.
In just the past few days, we discovered another one of Nancy’s insights about Neno’s health is correct!
We’re jumping back into our session with Nancy where we connected with Neno, Nessie & Penny. After each segment from Nancy, Tim & I will share our reflections with you about what points resonated with us – or didn’t.
In Part 2, we’ll learn more about newly adopted Nessie – like her biggest fear and insights into the triggers of her reactivity. And about those chickens! During the session, Nancy recommended checking Nessie’s ears, and 5 days later Nessie was diagnosed with an ear infection.
At the end of the session, we also hear from Penny, our beloved gal who passed suddenly in 2023. We’ll hear what Penny knew about her health condition, what she thinks about Nessie joining our family and if she’s seen the portrait of her in our home.
Tim also shares his best advice for anyone interested in working with an animal communicator.
See photos of Neno's dental issue & info shared with Nancy at:
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Happy 100th Episode!!
Have you ever wondered what it’s like to work with an animal communicator? After connecting with Nancy Mello earlier this year, Tim & I decided to book a session with her to see if we could gain some insight into the lack of connection between our old man Neno and newly adopted Nessie.
I was grateful that Nancy allowed us to record the session so we could reference back to it, but it hadn’t been my original plan to share this.
During our session with Nancy, there were several points that didn’t resonate with us at the time. But over the following days and weeks, more of Nancy’s insights started to make sense. (In fact, Nancy recommended checking Nessie’s ears, and 5 days after our session Nessie was diagnosed with an ear infection!)
Tim & I decided to listen to our recorded session from start to finish and reflect on the statements that didn’t make sense at the time but later became a-ha! moments. So I thought I’d turn on the microphones and capture this for you as I wanted to do something special for the 100th episode – something that I’d never done before.
In Part 1, you’ll hear Neno and Nessie each share their side of a scuffle that happened in our living room. Then we check-in with Neno, both physically and emotionally. Tim & I will share our thoughts with you along the way.
Check the show notes for the exact photos and information that Nancy received prior to our session.
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Did you know there are many reasons why a dog could be wearing a muzzle? I like to think that the presence of a muzzle isn’t the sign of a bad dog – but of a good pet parent!
While working with some of the UK’s most challenging dogs in rescue at Dogs Trust, Clara Hewson spent years advising pet parents on the benefits of training their dog to wear a muzzle.
But Clara had never experienced one of her own dogs needing to be muzzled in public – until she adopted Tolly. And Clara became shocked by the stigma she & Tolly began to experience.
So Clara took to social media with the goal to change public perception of dogs wearing a “face fence.” She created The Muzzle Movement, a community where pet parents are supported, encouraged and receive education (from one of the UK’s top dog trainers!).
When Clara found that she couldn’t find the “perfect” muzzle design – one that gave Tolly enough room to pant and receive treats – she decided she would create it herself. Now you can shop at The Muzzle Movement to find muzzles that are safe, secure and fun to accessorize.
Clara shares with us the exact steps to start muzzle training your dog. And it starts way before you even think about placing the muzzle on your dog! We also learn about a recent breed-specific law impacting the UK’s XL Bully dogs (aka pit bull dogs).
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Teef: The easiest way to improve your dog’s dental health is with a spoonful of Teef powder in their water. Save 20% on your Teef orders when you use the code: ADM.
It feels like we’re finally at a time in society when pet loss grief is starting to be acknowledged and resources are becoming more readily available. But do we really know how to take care of ourselves and others in times of pet loss? Do you know how to give good grief?
We’re joined by Mindy Meiering, LCSW, a licensed therapist, life coach, and mindfulness teacher who specializes in grief and loss. Even though Mindy has supported thousands of clients and families through major losses and life transitions, she was blindsided by how devastated she felt after losing her first dog, Ellie.
Calling upon all the tools and resources she learned, Mindy created the Rainbow Bridge Pet Loss Deck to support pet parents grieving the loss of a beloved companion.
Mindy and I discuss the best self-care practices in times of our own loss as well as the best ways we can show up for our friends & family who are grieving. We also talk about unconventional types of loss including a lost pet, rehoming a pet and situations of behavioral euthanasia.
While many of us have heard of the Five Stages of Grief, a recent book examines the concept of a 6th stage of grief – finding meaning in your loss. Mindy and I examine ways we’ve found meaning in our own pet loss grief and how you can do this in your own life and in your own way.
Find links, photos & show notes at:
Get your free checklist: Join Erin the Dog Mom's email list to receive the 12 Changes in Your Dog to Never Ignore checklist.
Teef: The easiest way to improve your dog’s dental health is with a spoonful of Teef powder in their water. Save 20% on your Teef orders when you use the code: ADM.
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In Part 2 with Chris Hannah (Dog Dad to Cole the Deaf Dog), I share my observation that not only is Cole a special dog, but that Chris is a special human to have the emotional bandwidth to hold space for the many people he encounters during their therapy work. Chris explains how Cole’s influence has shown him parts of himself that he didn’t know he had.
We discuss the powerful experience of volunteering at a hospice facility supporting patients and their families during the most difficult time. Chris reflects on some of the more memorable encounters with patients, as well as students that he & Cole have helped through difficult times – including the pandemic.
Chris reveals his hopes and plans for the future and also shares with us the incredible media opportunities and awards of recognition that he & Cole have received. From Good Morning America, Rachel Ray, Access Hollywood, Entertainment Tonight and Lester Holt to being the first deaf dog to receive a Hero Dog Award. Oh Em Gee! (Ahem, *cough* Kelly Clarkson next?!)
But while this attention has been thrilling and surreal for Chris, it’s also come with a dark side – online harassment and bullying due to Cole’s breed. Chris tells the toll this has taken on him and the precautions he now must take.
You can support Chris & Cole’s work, as well as find videos of their media appearances at:
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Sometimes a dog comes along, and nothing is ever the same again – in the best way possible! In 2017, when Chris Hannah decided it was time to adopt a dog, he didn’t realize exactly how much of a life-changing of a decision this would be.
Chris shares with us why adopting a deaf dog was the obvious choice for him – even when it might sound like a surprising decision for a music teacher to make. And yes, Cole the Deaf Dog’s name was inspired by the movie Mr. Holland’s Opus (the deaf son of a music teacher).
From day one, Chris witnessed the impact Cole made on his students and everyone he meets. Learning about Cole’s disability opened an unexpected dialogue for children (and adults too!) that disabilities aren’t inabilities – and sometimes those qualities that make us different are our superpowers.
Cole’s presence in students’ lives even led Chris’ school to launch a unique emotional-social learning program. Chris and Cole also created a motivational school assembly program for other schools in their region.
In Part One of Chris and Cole’s story, we’ll also hear about the surprising challenges they faced for Cole to become a therapy dog and about their meaningful work with a Veterans’ Memorial Home.
Follow Chris & Cole on Facebook or Instagram to brighten up your day (like Cole bowling a strike!).
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Teef: The easiest way to improve your dog’s dental health is with a spoonful of Teef powder in their water. Save 20% on your Teef orders when you use the code: ADM.
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Today we’re talking to renowned trainer Deb Jones, Ph.D., about Cooperative Care - the most important skills you’re (probably) not training your dog to do! Also called Consent Care or Husbandry, I’m referring to the procedures needed to keep dogs healthy such as veterinary care and grooming.
If you’d rather get a root canal than take your dog to the vet or if you can’t trim your dog’s nails without needing a drink afterwards, then you won’t want to miss this conversation.
Deb is the author of the book Cooperative Care: Seven Steps to Stress-Free Husbandry (aff. link). Her methods encourage our dogs to become willing partners in the training process rather than using heavy-handed or forceful practices that can damage our relationship with our dog and hurt their trust.
Deb shares with us what she learned from dolphin trainers that will help our dogs, what to do if you accidentally “quick” your dog while trimming their nails and how to handle those times when your dog needs immediate care to avoid causing a setback in your training and relationship. We’ll also hear the #1 most common skill that veterinarians wish Pet Parents trained their dogs to do!
While Deb’s former “day job” was as a Ph.D. Psychologist who taught in colleges, it’s fascinating how her work intertwined with her dog training passion. And as someone who’s been training dogs for 30+ years, Deb has so much insight to share about her experiences in the dog training world and the changes she’s witnessed in how we treat dogs as a society.
You can also find Deb teaching online training classes and in her Cooperative Care with Deb Jones Facebook Group.
Find links & show notes at:
Get your free checklist: Join Erin the Dog Mom's email list to receive the 12 Changes in Your Dog to Never Ignore checklist.
Teef: The easiest way to improve your dog’s dental health is with a spoonful of Teef powder in their water. Save 20% on your Teef orders when you use the code: ADM.
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It’s the Puppy Episode!
I’ve always heard that the best way to set yourself & your dog up for success is by putting in 12 months of solid training with your puppy so you can reap the rewards for the next 12+ years (hopefully!) with your amazing dog.
So how do you best set up your new puppy for success – not just in your home but in the world too? What is proper puppy socialization? And what isn’t?
Kathy Callahan, CPDT-KA, has spent the past 10 years fostering 200+ puppies while attending dog training school in her free time -– so she knows a few things about puppies. Kathy believes that equal parts empathy and preparation are needed to successfully raising your puppy.
As the author of the book, Welcoming Your Puppy From Planet Dog – How to Go Beyond Training and Raise Your Best Friend, Kathy shares with us everything we need to before we bring one home. From setting up your home to setting your expectations, Kathy’s book is not just a “how to” reference but a mindset guide as well.
Kathy shares her insights with us on everything from the all-important potty training to juggling the Puppy Shots Dilemma. We talk about how to build your puppy’s database of new people, places and things to set them up for their best life with you.
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Teef: The easiest way to improve your dog’s dental health is with a spoonful of Teef powder in their water. Save 20% on your Teef orders when you use the code: ADM.
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Did you know that the health decisions you make for your dog today will impact their long-term health? including whether your dog could be at-risk developing Canine Cognitive Dysfunction aka canine dementia?
I learned that as many as 50% of dogs show signs of canine dementia in their lifetime – and these signs can show up as early as 5 years old for larger breed dogs!
Francine Barish-Stern learned all of this first-hand after her experiences with her dog, Shamrock. She spent years trying to get a proper diagnosis for Shamrock that would explain both the physical changes and the behavioral changes she was seeing in her dog - and that diagnosis was Canine Cognitive Dysfunction.
Now a Dog Mom advocate on a mission, Francine shares with us everything Pet Parents should know about treating and preventing canine dementia in our dogs.
After interviewing more than 50 experts – from veterinarians to researchers of human dementia and Alzheimer’s – Francine published a book to help Pet Parents called Shamrock’s Story: From Hurricane Katrina to Doggy Dementia & Alzheimer’s.
No matter how old – or young – your dog is, Francine shares with us what the experts say about the choices to make for your dog right now to help them live the longest, healthiest life possible.
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Get your free checklist: Join Erin the Dog Mom's email list to receive the 12 Changes in Your Dog to Never Ignore checklist.
Teef: The easiest way to improve your dog’s dental health is with a spoonful of Teef powder in their water. Save 20% on your Teef orders when you use the code: ADM.
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What do you think are the most common complaints our dogs have about us Pet Parents? Animal Communicator Nancy Mello shares the two most common grievances she hears – and I definitely needed to hear this!
While some of us might be completely intrigued by the concept of animal communication, for Nancy Mello, her experience hasn’t been all love & light.
Nancy describes herself as “not at all woo-woo.” She spent the first 30+ years of her life trying to repress her abilities and just live as a “normal” daughter, military spouse and mom.
It’s only been a few years since Nancy finally made the decision to embrace her abilities. And she has quickly made a name for herself having helped reunite 120+ lost pets with their families.
Nancy also shares with us what she’s learned from her End of Life sessions before a pet transitions.
You can listen in on Nancy’s animal communication sessions on her Creature Preacher podcast and follow her on Instagram and TikTok.
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Get your free checklist: Join Erin the Dog Mom's email list to receive the 12 Changes in Your Dog to Never Ignore checklist.
Teef: The easiest way to improve your dog’s dental health is with a spoonful of Teef powder in their water. Save 20% on your Teef orders when you use the code: ADM.
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Is your dog always 100% confident? While Kelly Lee of Dogkind Training specializes in working with fearful dogs, her confidence building tips will help you build your dog’s confidence in any situation.
Kelly shares her top Do’s and Don’ts for increasing your dog’s confidence – whether it’s a brand-new situation or an experience you may need to reintroduce to your dog in a different way.
My biggest takeaway is how to break down these experiences into tiny steps. Dogkind Training’s website has amazing free resources for learning how to do this in various ways – from stairs to nail clippers.
We also learn the most common mistakes Kelly sees pet parents make when they first adopt a fearful or traumatized dog. Kelly’s even developed an online training program, the Confidence Builders Club, to provide support for pet parents of fearful dogs.
As much as we all love snuggling our dogs, do we *really* know if our dog wants to be pet right now? What does consent mean as a pet parent? I first learned of Kelly’s Petting Consent Test video from previous guest Ann King (Episode 87).
Kelly shares her thoughts on what petting consent means and how to tell if our dogs are enjoying our company as much as we think they do.
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Get your free checklist: Join Erin the Dog Mom's email list to receive the 12 Changes in Your Dog to Never Ignore checklist.
Teef: The easiest way to improve your dog’s dental health is with a spoonful of Teef powder in their water. Save 20% on your Teef orders when you use the code: ADM.
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Have you ever wondered if we’re [accidentally] making our dogs’ anxiety worse?
Alex Peacock – a dog trainer who specializes in working with anxious dogs – is going help us answer this question and understand why anxious people and anxious dogs seem to attract each other.
Alex works with pet parents of anxious dogs through a comprehensive program he designed. He’ll share with us the three pillars of his program and give us powerful tips for any pet parent dealing with an anxious dog.
Alex also advises us on how to choose the best dog trainer to help with your dog’s anxiety.
But what if we could stop dog anxiety before it even starts? Alex shares the one BIG thing pet parents can do to avoid dog anxiety in the first place.
Alex also reveals that he was inspired to be a dog trainer from a young age after watching THAT celebrity dog training tv show. (But don’t worry, Alex’s training methods are nothing like that!)
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Get your free checklist: Join Erin the Dog Mom's email list to receive the 12 Changes in Your Dog to Never Ignore checklist.
Teef: The easiest way to improve your dog’s dental health is with a spoonful of Teef powder in their water. Save 20% on your Teef orders when you use the code: ADM.
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Our dogs are always talking to us … but are we listening? I believe that learning our dogs’ body language is one of THE most important aspects of being a pet parent.
So thank goodness for Lili Chin’s work translating Doggie Language for us humans. In fact, if you follow anything dog-related on social media, you’re probably familiar with Lili’s illustrations and artwork.
Lili never anticipated that adopting Boogie, the Boston Terrier, would impact her life and career in so many ways. She also hadn’t anticipated Boogie nearly getting her evicted after biting her apartment building manager!
After a few disappointing experiences with other trainers, Lili was introduced to positive force-free training methods and learned to understand what Boogie was communicating all along.
Dog trainers and other professionals soon began commissioning Lili’s artwork to share important messages for pet parents. From Dog Body Language to Your Dog’s Emotional Cup, Lili’s work is shared far & wide on social media impacting pet parents daily.
Get the Doggie Language book for your collection HERE. (Aff. link)
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Teef: The easiest way to improve your dog’s dental health is with a spoonful of Teef powder in their water. Save 20% on your Teef orders when you use the code: ADM.
Oncotect: With 1 in 3 dogs being diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime, Oncotect is the first at-home screening test that Pet Parents can purchase to get peace of mind. Get 15% off when you use the code: BELIEVEINDOG
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Have you – or someone you know – ever struggled with a challenging dog? Where you’ve tried everything from trainers to vets to behaviorists, but life with the dog is still a daily struggle – whether fear, reactivity or feeling like the dog runs the house instead of the humans.
If any of this sounds familiar, then you won’t want to miss this episode.
After struggling for 5 years with her own dog, Maya, Souha met a series of life-changing teachers and mentors. These experiences led her to develop a philosophy to heal the relationship and strengthen the bond we have with our troubled dogs.
Souha explains to us her 3-stage method that she calls the Way of Life Method. This system is like hitting the “reset” button on your relationship with your dog – at any age and no matter how long your dog has been part of the family.
Souha’s Way of Life is a methodical approach to adjusting the expectations we have for our dogs and involves re-establishing our life and our home in a structured way that sets our dogs up for success. This is a completely force-free and non-aversive methodology.
In Souha’s book, The Way of Life Method, she provides daily schedules, exercises and bonding activities intended to create the connection with your dog that you’ve always wanted but didn’t think was possible.
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Get your free checklist: Join Erin the Dog Mom's email list to receive the 12 Changes in Your Dog to Never Ignore checklist.
Teef: The easiest way to improve your dog’s dental health is with a spoonful of Teef powder in their water. Save 20% on your Teef orders when you use the code: ADM.
Oncotect: With 1 in 3 dogs being diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime, Oncotect is the first at-home screening test that Pet Parents can purchase to get peace of mind. Get 15% off when you use the code: BELIEVEINDOG
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Dog Mom Confession: Sometimes it’s stressful adopting a new dog!
Have you ever heard of the 3-3-3 Rule? This advice gives Pet Parents an expectation of what to expect 3 Days, 3 Weeks and 3 Months after bringing a new dog home.
Today’s guest Ann King is the dog trainer who has popularized the 3-3-3 Rule for the shelter & rescue community.
Ann is also the creator of the Rescue SMART framework. SMART is an acronym for Ann’s five steps to successfully introducing and integrating a new dog to your home:
Red Flags
Ann will share what each of these components means and how to implement the SMART framework in your home. Ann will also tell us how she developed the framework – including all the mistakes she made along the way.
We’ll also learn the most common mistakes that Pet Parents make when introducing a new dog to their home and the easy ways to fix or prevent these.
Share this episode with your shelter and rescue friends! Rescue SMART is a totally free resource that includes videos and PDF downloads to help anyone introducing a new dog to their home.
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Get your free checklist: Join Erin the Dog Mom's email list to receive the 12 Changes in Your Dog to Never Ignore checklist.
Teef: The easiest way to improve your dog’s dental health is with a spoonful of Teef powder in their water. Save 20% on your Teef orders when you use the code: ADM.
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Is your dog as happy as you think? Are there scientifically proven ways to make your dog happy?
Dr. Zazie Todd shines light on these questions in her book Wag: The Science of Making Your Dog Happy.
This is a re-broadcast of Episode 9, which originally aired March 9, 2020.
Zazie Todd did not grow up with pets, while on her way to becoming an accomplished social psychologist. When she & her husband adopted 2 dogs within 6 weeks from their local humane society, Zazie used her psychology and research background to make sure she was doing the “right” things for her dogs.
As she began looking into the burgeoning field of canine science and what we are learning about dogs, Zazie shared her findings by starting her blog, Companion Animal Psychology.
If you’ve ever wondered if your dog is as happy as you hope, or if you are making the right decisions for your dog, Zazie shares all that she’s learned in her book Wag: The Science of Making Your Dog Happy.
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Did you know that the most common cause of trauma in dogs is at the hands of people – particularly harsh handling by Pet Professionals such as groomers, veterinarians and dog trainers?
Caroline Alupo is a Sweden-based ethologist and dog trainer who literally wrote the guide to diagnosing PTSD in dogs. This topic is extra-personal for me as I believe my dog, Neno, meets the criteria for Complex PTSD from abuse and neglect he experienced before we adopted him.
Caroline shares the signs to look for in your dog’s behavior AND physical health when determining if PTSD is present.
We’ll also learn the Do’s and Don’ts to creating a healing environment for dogs that have experienced traumatic events. And we’ll learn tips for protecting our dogs and how to prevent these situations from happening in the first place.
Learn more from Caroline on the Petli app! (Available for Apple and Android.)
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If you’re playing a drinking game along with this episode, “shocked” is the word of the day. I was utterly shocked learning about the institutionalized lack of accountability in caring for the retired military and contract working dogs that protect the U.S.
Many of us weren’t aware that this was a problem until the outcry of animal advocates after the U.S. troop withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021 where contract working dogs were left behind.
In fact, it wasn’t until 2016 that a law was passed stating that the U.S. military had to bring their retired dogs stateside – but Bob tells us about the loopholes that muddy the waters on this. (Researching more about this topic led me to the shameful history of the U.S. military’s abandonment of 5,000+ dogs during the Vietnam War.)
Fortunately, there’s people like Bob Bryant and Mission K9 in the world who are doing something about it. From arranging transport from the far corners of the world to rehabbing the dogs’ physical and psychological wounds to finding appropriate adopters, Mission K9 keeps these commitments to each dog they rescue.
Watch this video from the 2017 Petco Helping Heroes Award to learn more about Mission K9.
In this season of giving, I hope you’ll consider supporting organizations like Mission K9 or animal welfare organizations in your community.
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Can dogs see colors? How does your dog’s breed affect their vision? What changes in your dog’s behavior could indicate they are losing their vision?
Cathy Symons, CVT, CCRP, answers all these questions and more for us.
Cathy’s pug Booda, aka The Emperor, was a bold and adventurous dog who loved his agility class and lived life to the fullest.
Until the day he didn’t, and Cathy realized that Booda had gone blind due to a condition known as SARDS (Sudden Acute Retinal Degeneration Syndrome) that is known to affect small breed dogs. Pulling herself together after this diagnosis, Cathy threw herself into creating a safe environment for Booda as he regained his confidence and learned to thrive in his new world.
Cathy wrote the book Blind Devotion to share with Pet Parents dealing with their dog’s vision loss everything that she wishes she had known. Cathy is also the author of the children’s book Watching Out for Digger, named after her second blind pug.
In her day job, Cathy works as a Canine Rehabilitation Practitioner, and she shares with us what Pet Parents should know about this field and the most common physical conditions and healing modalities she works with.
You can hear Cathy and her Canine Rehab partner Chris on the PetAbility Podcast where they share their decades of knowledge with us so we can keep our pets’ best quality of life for as long as possible.
Don’t miss the fun of Black Furday from November 25 – December 1. Register here:
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Teef: The easiest way to improve your dog’s dental health is with a spoonful of Teef powder in their water. Save 20% on your Teef orders when you use the code: ADM
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Have you ever had one of those experiences that seemed like it was the worst thing that ever happened to you but then it turned out to be the best thing that ever happened to you?
Kay Stewart was shocked when her position of 32 years was abruptly eliminated. But this career loss helped Kay realize how out of alignment she had become with her childhood goal of helping animals. When she stumbled onto a job listing posted by Ruby, Founder of Real Dog Box, Kay began to find her true passion.
Hired to create a course for the Feed Real Institute, Kay experienced a paradigm shift learning about what a true species-appropriate diet for dogs looked like. And it wasn’t a bag of Kibble (used here in the generic sense to describe any dry dog food pellets). Kay & I discuss the history of Kibble and why it’s so bad for our dogs . . . even the “Good Kibble.”
We dive into the veterinary profession’s problems with fresh feeding – and why the Feed Real courses put these concerns to rest once and for all. But what do veterinarians think about that? Kay shares the reception of Feed Real’s RACE (continuing education)-approved course from both holistic and conventional veterinarians.
So what should our dogs be eating? Kay shares the Feed Real approach to fresh feeding. And some curious facts about chickens too.
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Dr. Ruth’s Holistic Shop: Save 10% on your orders from Dr. Ruth’s Holistic Shop featuring 400+ high quality supplements - including some of your favorite brands! - curated by Holistic Vet Dr. Ruth Roberts with the code: ERINTHEDOGMOM (aff. link)
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Have you ever wondered if your dog could be a Therapy Dog? Are you & your dog ready to be a therapy team? Where do you even start?
After working in tech for many years, Sherrie Rohde decided to make a career change and become a therapist. And when she learned (through Instagram!) about animal-assisted therapy work, Sherrie became excited about the idea of incorporating dogs into her new career.
When Sherrie adopted her dog Sunny, they started training courses right away. Sherrie became more determined than ever that Sunny would be great therapy dog partner.
But what did Sunny think? From eating her obedience certificate to needing more practice on her therapy dog skills, Sherrie realizes that Sunny’s imperfect journey has been a great lesson to them both.
Through her Therapy Dog Talk Podcast and online course for therapy dog teams, Sherrie is an incredible resource for anyone interested in learning more about therapy dog work.
Exciting news! The Believe in Dog Podcast is featured in Women Who Podcast Magazine and we’re celebrating the 4th anniversary of Believe in Dog!
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Teef: The easiest way to improve your dog’s dental health is with a spoonful of Teef powder in their water. Save 20% on your Teef orders when you use the code: ADM
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Have you ever been around a dog who doesn’t “dog” like other dogs? Maybe you’ve experienced a dog who is reactive or has separation anxiety or a noise-phobia?
Sharon Vincuilla and I explore how dogs (and people!) can experience the world differently and how neurodiversity shows up in a dog’s behavior. And Sharon has experienced this first-hand with her dog, Muggins!
Sharon found that life with Muggins was even triggering her own trauma. Seemingly ordinary life events like walking the dog or having a friend stop by her house would turn into stressful ordeals with Muggins.
Leaning on her work as both a dog trainer and an Occupational Therapist, Sharon shares with us the strategies she developed that allow both her and Muggins to thrive. And she teaches us strategies we can incorporate into our lives with our dogs who might “dog” a little differently.
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Teef: The easiest way to improve your dog’s dental health is with a spoonful of Teef powder in their water. Save 20% on your Teef orders when you use the code: ADM
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Panita Senjit grew up in India where she learned to be terrified of dogs. So you might be wondering how she’s become the award-winning author of a children’s book series based on her therapy dog, Lil’ Leo. And the answer is: her son really wanted a dog.
When living in Austin, Texas, Panita was introduced to Therapy Dog work and realized their family dog, Leo had the perfect temperament for being a therapy dog. Panita was quickly drawn to the impact of therapy dog work with children.
After moving back to the UK, Parnita and Leo passed another Therapy Dog assessment – so he’s a therapy dog in two countries!
During COVID-19, Parnita was inspired to write children’s books based on Leo’s adventures. With 3 books currently published, Parnita shares with us why she’s so focused on having the books translated into many different languages – to spread a message of kindness globally.
Teef: The easiest way to improve your dog’s dental health is with a spoonful of Teef powder in their water. Save 20% on your Teef orders when you use the code: ADM.
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Has your life been impacted by the loss of a pet? Erica Messer and her husband adopted Wolfgang, a sickly kitten found in a barn during the height of COVID quarantine in 2020. But when a tragic accident ended Wolfie’s life the following year, it completely changed the direction of Erica’s life.
Now the Founder of Wolfie’s Wish, Erica created the product she was looking for on her grief journey but couldn’t find. Wolfie’s Wish Grieving Cards are affirmation-style cards that help you incorporate healing practices into your day.
I’m so grateful to Erica for sharing her grief journey with us and the coping skills and tools she learned along the way. Erica also holds space for me as I share about the unexpected loss of Penny in January 2023. We also discuss that the struggle that many of us feel to not show our emotions when we’re not ok. Erica & I believe: It’s ok not be ok.
You can get Erica’s template for writing a love letter to your pet at
Teef: The easiest way to improve your dog’s dental health is with a spoonful of Teef powder in their water. Save 20% on your Teef orders when you use the code: ADM.
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What do burnout, self-care and boundaries have to do with rescue? Everything! We’ll learn the emotional toll that rescue has taken on our Roundtable participants. This conversation gets incredibly vulnerable and I commend the courage that it took to share this with the world.
Our Rescue Roundtable also explores ideas for creating a more sustainable organization and what they would differently in the future.
We start off picking up where we left off last week and jump right into those Home Visits. While some people may think these are borderline invasive, our Rescuers spill the tea on the real reasons that they’ve turned down potential adopters after a home visit. And it’s nothing to do with those dust bunnies behind the tv!
We also discuss how rescues choose the dogs that they take into their organization. I had a lot of questions about this because I’ve seen so much smack talk on social media about this over the years. I was surprised to learn how much thought goes into creating the right balance of adoptable dogs!
And also, what do rescues do with difficult dogs that they don’t think they can safely place in a home?
I’m so grateful to our Rescue Roundtable: Nichol O'Marr (foster for Pitties & Purrs Rescue), Melissa Trotman (founder of Bella’s Bully Buddies which adopted out 1,000+ dogs from 2012 – 2019) and Jen Carle (currently Director of Operations for Tara’s House Animal Rescue).
If you like this episode, you won’t want to miss Episode 60 and Episode 75!
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Dogs, drama and death threats…oh my!
On this Roundtable, we’ll hear from 3 women in Baltimore’s animal rescue community who have collectively impacted the lives of countless dogs.
I brought these guests together so we could dive into topics such as who determines Adoption Requirements & Procedures and how rescues can set up their Foster Families for success.
But while I’ve been around the animal welfare world since 2008, there was still a lot that I didn’t know – especially about the “dark side” of rescue and even dogs in “witness protection.” Some of it was quite shocking!
In fact, while we were recording the Roundtable, Nichol was getting text message updates about a dog situation that had been unfolding since 3 AM – and this is emotional to hear.
So we dig into the tough topics as well: guilt, social media drama and why can’t the rescues just all get along?
Special thanks to: Nichol O’Marr (foster for Pitties & Purrs Rescue), Melissa Trotman (founder of Bella’s Bully Buddies which found homes for 1,000+ dogs from 2012 – 2019) and Jen Carle (currently Director of Operations for Tara’s House Animal Rescue).
If you like this episode, you won’t want to miss Episode 60 and Episode 75!
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This might be the most important conversation I’ve ever had on the Believe in Dog Podcast.
Have you ever wondered why there’s a seemingly endless stream of homeless pets in need at shelters and rescues across the USA?
As a writer, Cara Sue Achterberg began documenting her family’s experiences fostering dogs for a local rescue and wrote the book Another Good Dog - One Family and 50 Foster Dogs.
Cara shares with us her dog fostering wisdom learned from now more than 150+ dogs who have spent time in her home. You may also be surprised to learn that fostering dogs brought Cara’s children and family closer than ever – even through their teen years!
But Cara did wonder – where were all these dogs coming from? The answer was mostly the Southeastern USA. So when she embarked on a book tour she decided to also make it a shelter tour so she could see firsthand where the dogs were coming from.
And this decision changed her life.
Cara will share with us what she’s learned from visiting 120+ animal shelters in 12 states over the past several years. We’ll hear the 3 factors that lead to animal shelters successfully saving lives. And about the unsung heroes who persevere through unimaginable obstacles to give dogs a chance.
Cara created the organization Who Will Let The Dogs Out to support the shelters and rescues lacking budgets, resources and often a staff. Who Will Let The Dogs Out is bringing awareness and resources to homeless dogs and the heroes who fight for them.
Trigger Warning: The topic of animal euthanization is a theme of this episode. Please take care while listening.
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The easiest way to improve your dog’s dental health is with a spoonful of Teef powder in their water. Save 20% on your Teef orders when you use the code: ADM
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What does pioneering integrative veterinarian Dr. Marty Goldstein want you to know about the cause of cancer in dogs? Today we’ll hear the 3 biggest causes for the exponential increase in cancer rates over the past 50 years.
I was fascinated to learn that it was Dr. Marty’s journey with his own health that led him to questioning the medical establishment for both people and pets. And when Dr. Marty witnessed the connection between diet and health, he made his life’s work to spread this truth even in the face of adversity.
And there was plenty of adversity – from concerns of bankruptcy to having his veterinary license threatened. Of course this was before he started crossing paths with everyone from George Harrison to Oprah and having the documentary, The Dog Doc, filmed about his groundbreaking work.
Dr. Marty also regales us with tales from his upcoming book – like why he still cringes when he thinks about that time he met Ray Charles on an airplane.
Episode Sponsored by The Dog Health Journal
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Did you know that hearing dogs are trained to support the deaf and hard-of-hearing community? I recently learned this when I connected with David Allery, Founder of the nonprofit organization, Your Hearing Dog.
David, who experienced a loss of hearing due to a medical condition, shares his own experiences and the societal isolation experienced by many people who are deaf or hard-of-hearing.
Hearing dogs are not only trained to alert to vital needs such as a smoke detector, but serve an equally important role in connection and companionship.
We’re also joined today by Judith Mueller, a Board Member of Your Hearing Dog, who joined the organization due to her passion for dogs and desire to make a difference.
David and Judith share with us why Your Hearing Dog is passionate about training shelter and rescue dogs, how the training process works and how dogs and people are matched.
If you or someone you know is deaf or hard-of-hearing, this episode offers valuable insights into the life-changing impact our four-legged companions can have.
A transcript of this episode is available for the deaf and hard-of-hearing community is linked HERE.
Teef: The easiest way to improve your dog’s dental health is with a spoonful of Teef powder in their water. Save 20% on your Teef orders when you use the code: ADM.
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What is life like with a rescued puppy mill dog? And is there anything we can do to stop puppy mills?
These are the questions we explore today with Dog Mom and Advocate Jo Anna Kloster, author of Lily Unleashed.
Jo Anna shares the story of how Cagney, her first rescued puppy mill dog, changed her life and gave her passion and purpose. Jo Anna shares all that she’s learned about the inner workings of puppy mills, pet stores and the laws that aren’t being enforced.
Jo Anna’s passion and career as a teacher led her to writing Lily Unleashed, a chapter book for all ages that tells the story of how a rescued puppy mill dog inspires an insecure 6th grader to speak up and take a stand for what’s right.
We’re also joined today by Megan, a young lady who just completed 6th grade, who gives us her book review of Lily Unleashed and what she thinks about puppy mills.
The good news is that more Congressional leaders than ever are sponsoring new laws – Goldie’s Act and the Puppy Mill Protection Act – which all of us can support with emails and phone calls.
Check the Show Notes for quick links to take action and support these laws today!
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Teef: The easiest way to improve your dog’s dental health is with a spoonful of Teef powder in their water. Save 20% on your Teef orders when you use the code: ADM
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Have you ever wondered if it’s possible to make a living being a Dog Mom? Tori Mistick is here to tell us how she turned her blog Wear Wag Repeat from a creative outlet into her full-time job – including all the pivots along the way.
I’ve learned so much from Tori’s online courses for petprenuers (entrepreneurs in the pet industry) and from her monthly membership group, the Wear Wag Repeat Society. Tori also shares with us why it’s important to her that the Wear Wag Repeat Podcast is a platform for women in the pet industry.
Tori recently completed a course in Canine Enrichment and she gives us some fun & easy tips to create more joy in our dogs’ lives.
I’m also appreciative to Tori for vulnerably sharing some of her hardest moments as a young pet parent with us.
Teef: The easiest way to improve your dog’s dental health is with a spoonful of Teef powder in their water. Save 20% on your Teef orders when you use the code: ADM.
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Are all of us communicating with our animals and we just don’t realize it? This is one of the questions we explore today with Animal Communicator Shannon Cutts.
While Shannon grew up loving nature and always wanting a pet bird, it took many years for Shannon to follow her intuitive calling to work as an animal communicator. Shannon shares her long and winding journey with us, including the many ways animals have been healers in her life.
We also explore how Highly Sensitive Pets experience the world differently and how pet parents can identify and best support their pets who fall into this category.
Shannon is also a Reiki Master and we explore what reiki is and how this is connected to her work as an animal communicator. I also share my experiences with Reiki.
Does Shannon think we all have the ability to be animal communicators? We discuss our intuition, how to quiet our minds and demystify the woo-woo.
Learn more about Shannon's work, classes, book and podcast at
Teef: The easiest way to improve your dog’s dental health is with a spoonful of Teef powder in their water. Save 20% on your Teef orders when you use the code: ADM.
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How did Ruby Balaram go from being a reluctant dog mom to pet industry CEO? You don’t want to miss this episode.
Like me, Ruby grew up in a house where she wasn’t allowed to have pets - except that one time she & her mom tried to sneak in a cat! So when Ruby met her partner, Turk, he came with a dog and she wasn’t so sure about jumping into the Dog Mom Life.
But when Turk’s dog got a second cancer diagnosis, Ruby witnesses the power of feeding fresh real food to dogs when the grumpy old Doberman started running around with puppy-like energy. Ruby & Turk were so amazed that they wanted to start a company to make fresh real food accessible to all dog owners.
Ruby shares their early entrepreneurial journey with us and all the pivots they made along the way to form Real Dog Box in 2015.
No matter what diet you feed your dog, Real Dog Box is an easy and affordable way to add fun and healthy variety to your dog’s bowl. And you definitely don’t want to miss out on the fun of the Secret Shop!
Ruby & her team have now launched the Feed Real Institute which was born out of all the questions they’ve received from Pet Parents over the past 8 years.
Creating digital courses for both Pet Parents and Veterinarians, Ruby wants everyone to have access to the scientific-backed information showing the healthiest food choices for our dogs.
Want to try Real Dog Box for your dog? Save $10 off your first order at:
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By day, Jen Danna is a scientist studying infectious diseases. But at night, Jen has immersed herself in creating the world of FBI K9 Handler Meg Jennings and her dog Hawk.
From domestic terrorism to human trafficking, the FBI K9 series follows Meg & Hawk as part of the FBI’s Human Scent Detection Team. From page one, these books had me hooked and it felt like I was along for the ride as Meg & Hawk are tasked with locating the missing, lost, escaped or dead.
Jen shares her writing process with us and how it has changed following the recent loss of her longtime writing partner, Ann Vanderlaan.
We discuss the critical importance of the partnership and bond between law enforcement K9s and their handlers.
At the end of the episode I share what I’ve learned about the history of law enforcement K9s in the US. I was surprised to discover that my hometown of Baltimore plays a uniquely special role in this history of law enforcement K9s!
Get 20% off your next order of Teef, for your dog's dental health with the code: ADM.
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♥️🐾Dogs are truly precious gifts.♥️🐾