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A Beautiful Anarchy
A Beautiful Anarchy
David duChemin

Hosted by photographer, author, and former comedian David duChemin, A Beautiful Anarchy is a deeply human, honest, and insightful mostly-weekly kick in... more

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Episode 80: Lay Another Brick

Sometimes the thing we're building, whether that's an exciting new project or a whole career, feels so big and overwhelming... more

19 Feb 2022 · 11 minutes
Episode 79: More Than Fun

Isn't art-making and creativity meant to be fun? Why is it so often a source of struggle than anything a... more

11 Dec 2021 · 9 minutes
Episode 78: For The Introverts

Introversion seems to have become a movement lately and as someone with strong life-long introverted characteristics, I think it's great... more

03 Dec 2021 · 15 minutes
Episode 77: A Different Episode

You're different. About the only thing that we all share in common is that we are so very different. So... more

27 Nov 2021 · 11 minutes
Episode 76: A Word With Pareto

19th-century economist Vilfredo Pareto was out in his garden when he noticed only 20% of his pea plants were producing... more

13 Nov 2021 · 10 minutes
Episode 75: More Than Time

We need time to do our best work, but not only time. We need the internal resources to pay the... more

30 Oct 2021 · 10 minutes
Episode 74: Worry or Wonder?

A recent visit to the dentist sent me into a tailspin when I was told I needed a root canal.... more

23 Oct 2021 · 17 minutes
Episode 73: What's Your "Hell, Yes!"?

The creative life is full of decisions. Do we? Don't we? And how? Some people over-think their choices, some go... more

10 Jul 2021 · 13 minutes
Episode 72: On Vision and Craft

There is a relationship between the skills—or craft—that we hone, and our ability to dream about what is possible and... more

03 Jul 2021 · 16 minutes
Episode 71: 5127

Creativity is less the stuff of brilliant ideas and more the reality that those ideas take work to realize, to... more

26 Jun 2021 · 16 minutes
A Beautiful Anarchy
Episode 80: Lay Another Brick
A Beautiful Anarchy
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