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Odd Ball Podcast
Odd Ball Podcast
WJCT Public Media

Odd Ball is a story about a UFO investigation, a mansion in the woods and how one shiny object sent a Jacksonville,... more

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Episode 5 - Steal Steel

Lindsey looks into where the sphere really is. And will she ever get to talk to Gerri?

04 Nov 2019 · 41 minutes
Episode 4 - Hynek Vs. Harder

Respected scientists come to different conclusions about the sphere’s behavior and origin. Today, more scientists weigh in with their own... more

28 Oct 2019 · 38 minutes
Episode 3 - It Gets Weirder

As the attention surrounding the "Betz Sphere" continues to grow, so do the theories behind its origin and the number... more

21 Oct 2019 · 38 minutes
Episode 2 - Who Is Gerri?

Gerri Betz was known in Jacksonville as a strong community leader and entrepreneur who happened to live in a beautiful... more

14 Oct 2019 · 38 minutes
Episode 1 - 'Darndest Thing I Ever Saw'

In 1974 a metal sphere was discovered on a prominent family’s property in Jacksonville, Florida. What at first was a... more

07 Oct 2019 · 33 minutes
Odd Ball Trailer

Odd Ball is a story about a UFO investigation, a mansion in the woods and how one shiny object sent... more

13 Sep 2019 · 3 minutes
Odd Ball Podcast
Episode 5 - Steal Steel
Odd Ball Podcast
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