The paranormal comes to life as husband-wife duo Dan Cummins (acclaimed standup comedian and true horror fan) and Lynze Cummins (costume and... more
In this twenty-second installment of fictional horror written and narrated by Dan Cummins.... we continue following Brent, Lori, Cam, and... more
Helltown, Irish Banshee, Spirit on the CB, Death Dream, Cursed Premonition, Ghost In The Screen
SS Valencia, McRaven House, Backyard Lurker, Hitching A Ride
In this twenty-first installment of fictional horror written and narrated by Dan Cummins.... we head to Couer d'Alene, Idaho, where... more
Mary Ann Cotton, La Mano Peluda, The Girl, A Father's Love
Cresson Sanatarium, Funeral Fear, Lost Time, Shadowy Entity
Time Slip, St. Patrick's College Ghost, Haunted Apartment, Maybe A Mimmic
In this twentieth installment of fictional horror written and narrated by Dan Cummins.... we head back to New Orleans, returning... more
Phantom Phone, Lake Anjikuni, Ouija Board Possession
Alcatraz, Split Rock Quarry, Haunted House, The Tickle Lady
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