Melissa & Lori Love Literacy™ is a podcast for teachers. The hosts are your classroom-next-door teacher friends turned podcasters learning with you.... more
Episode 220 In this podcast episode, you'll hear from: Kirsten Taylor, a first-grade teacher turned literacy coach in Washington, D.C.,... more
Episode 155 (from July 21, 2023) Curious about how words shape learning? Join us as we chat with linguist and... more
In Episode 219, Blythe Anderson discusses the importance of vocabulary instruction, specifically through the use of vocabulary talk moves. ... more
Episode 203 (from August 16, 2024) Our guests today, authors Tricia Zucker and Sonia Cabell, discuss the concept of... more
Episode 218 is chock-full of super practical ways to implement academic talk in your classroom tomorrow! Elementary science teacher... more
Episode 167: Researcher Tiffany Hogan explores the relationship between phonics and language comprehension in this episode. She shares practical ways... more
Episode 217 Have you ever wondered how to get your students talking in a way that builds deeper understanding? In... more
Struggling to make writing click for your students? In this episode, 5th-grade teacher Elise Frank shares practical strategies to... more
Steve Graham discusses the significance of writing in education, the challenges teachers face in teaching writing, and effective strategies to... more
From July 22, 2022 The Writing Revolution authors, Judith Hochman and Natalie Wexler, share a 'revolutionary' approach to writing.... more
What if young students could transform writing from a daunting task into an exciting journey of self-expression? In... more
This episode highlights the close connection between reading and writing and the importance of teaching them together. Young-Suk Kim uses... more
Melissa & Lori Love Literacy™ is a podcast for teachers. The hosts are your classroom-next-door teacher friends turned podcasters learning... more
From 5/10/24 In this conversation, Stephanie Stollar discusses the implementation of Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS). MTSS is... more
Phonics alone won’t solve the literacy crisis. Natalie Wexler's new book: Beyond the Science of Reading: Connecting Literacy Instruction to... more
From June 22, 2021 In this episode, reading and fluency expert Tim Rasinski tells us all about effective fluency... more
Fluency is a crucial aspect of reading. It involves automaticity and the ability to connect different aspects of word knowledge.... more
Secondary educators have students in their classrooms who weren’t taught to read. Because of these reading deficits, students likely... more
Fluency is complex, especially for older students. In this episode, Janee' Butler shares: how fluency instruction looks from... more
From June 3, 2022 Today middle school educators from Baltimore City Public Schools join us to discuss their... more
Chase Young discusses the implementation of Reader's Theater in the classroom, providing a detailed framework for the process. He emphasizes... more
The science of learning is what research says about how our brains learn. In this episode, Nathaniel Swain discusses... more
From July 14, 2023 What if you could unlock the secrets to fluency instruction in literacy, and transform your... more
The authors of No More “Strategy of the Week”: Considerations for Connecting Comprehension Instruction Back to the Book discuss the... more
Imagine transforming the way you teach reading. Picture your students not just passively consuming the written word, but actively producing... more
Imagine facing not only the struggles of growing up in a challenging environment, but also battling a learning difference... more
From October 7, 2022 In this episode, we talk with former balanced literacy teacher and parent, Missy Purcell. She... more
In this conversation we explore Nancy Young's infographic, "The Ladder of Reading and Writing," unpacking the complexity of learning to... more
Jul 7, 2023 Today we talk about fluency and assessment with Jan Hasbrouck. She shares tips and tricks for how... more
Nancy Hennessy and Julia Salamone discuss the importance of vocabulary and syntax in reading comprehension. They explain how vocabulary connects... more
From Aug 4, 2023 What if the key to unlocking your students' reading comprehension could be found through a deeper... more
Lindsay Kemeny discusses her book 7 Mighty Moves and the importance of teaching literacy effectively. The conversation covers the development... more
From Mar 18, 2022 How can regular fluency practice lead to fluent readers? In today’s episode, educators Lorraine Griffith and... more
Our guests today, authors Tricia Zucker and Sonia Cabell, discuss the concept of Strive-For-Five Conversations, which emphasizes the importance of... more
From Jul 15, 2022 Dr. Sonia Cabell, Associate Professor at Florida State University, shares the importance of both oral language... more
Heidi Anne Mesmer discusses her book Big Words for Young Readers. She emphasizes the importance of teaching young readers to... more
From Nov 4, 2022 Researcher Heidi Anne Mesmer joins the podcast to discuss the research on decodable text and dos... more
Anna Geiger, author of "Reach All Readers," joins us on the pod today. Anna takes us on a historical... more
From Sep 21, 2020 The article Placing Text at the Center of the Standards-Aligned ELA Classroom is a must-read before... more
In this episode, Meredith and David Liben discuss the importance of comprehension instruction, the power of questions, and the practice... more
Unlock the potential of your ELA instruction by shifting to a knowledge-rich curriculum! Join us as we sit down with... more
Kim Lockhart, Canadian educator, shares her top three book recommendations. The first recommendation is 'Next Steps in Literacy Instruction' by... more
Read Not Guess is a FREE program designed for parents to help their children improve their early reading skills. The... more
Melissa & Lori discuss questions about reading comprehension from our new book, The Literacy 50: A Q&A Handbook for Teachers,... more
Melissa & Lori discuss questions about phonemic awareness from our new book, The Literacy 50: A Q&A Handbook for Teachers.... more
The tables are turned on us in today's episode! Anna Geiger interviews us about our new book, The Literacy 50.... more
Today's sneak peek episode gives you a behind the scenes look at why we wrote this book, the questions we... more
Unlock the potential in every multilingual learner as Claude Goldenberg, renowned professor emeritus of education at Stanford University, joins us... more
We discuss various models for teaching English learners to read with Magdalena Zavalia, CEO of the PAF Reading Program.... more
From August 5, 2022 Dr. Elsa Cardenas-Hagan joins the podcast to share that reading science works for English Learners.... more
In this conversation, Stephanie Stollar discusses the implementation of Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS). MTSS is a framework for... more
In this episode, Savannah Campbell, a K-5 reading specialist, shares practical spelling tips for teachers. She emphasizes the importance of... more
Pam Kastner discusses the connection between spelling and reading. She emphasizes that teaching spelling is teaching reading, as spelling is... more
From 3/4/2022 We’ve been asked about spelling and the connection to reading science more times than we can count. Today,... more
In this episode, Jessica Farmer shares tips for teaching heart words. She explains the importance of blending and introduces the... more
Julie VanLier and Dr. Svetlana Cvetkovic discuss their experiences and successes teaching phonics. They both highlight the importance of... more
From August 12, 2022 Talking with Dr. Julia Lindsey is like popping into the classroom next door to chat... more
Yvette Manns discusses the schwa and its importance. She shares insights from her book, The Not So Lazy Schwa, and... more
Danielle Colenbrander and Katie Pace-Miles discuss orthographic mapping, irregular word instruction, and the different terms used to describe high frequency... more
Denise Eide, author of Uncovering the Logic of English, helps us understand the logic of English! It actually makes a... more
In this episode, teacher Christina Winter, better known as Mrs. Winters Bliss on Instagram, talks about the practical application of... more
Sound wall expert Mary Dahlgren explains how sound walls differ from word walls, why it's important to teach all 44... more
Spencer Russell, a former kindergarten and first-grade teacher and the founder of Toddlers Can Read, shares his motivation for teaching... more
In this conversation, Becky Pallone and Michael Hart discuss how their phonemic awareness instruction has evolved over time. They... more
Melissa and Lori just returned from the Plain Talk About Literacy & Learning Conference in New Orleans and they will... more
Matt Burns discusses the importance of phonemic awareness in reading instruction. Phonemic awareness is an outcome of skilled reading, not... more
Shayne Piasta discusses best practices for teaching alphabet knowledge. She tells us what the research suggests about teaching letter... more
Summary In this episode, the hosts discuss the RAND Model, a heuristic for thinking about reading comprehension. The model was... more
Summary In this episode, Hugh Catts discusses two popular reading models: the Simple View of Reading and Scarborough's Reading Rope.... more
Summary In this episode, the hosts discuss the five pillars from the National Reading Panel and their history. They explore... more
FROM MARCH 10, 2023 Today we’ll be talking to a team of authors about a recent article they published... more
Why shouldn’t we level students? Professor and researcher Kristin Conradi-Smith from episode 143 says, “We lack research for differentiation... more
FROM FEBRUARY 24, 2023 In today’s episode, we discuss the structure and content of the literacy block. How can... more
What does the research say about small group reading instruction? Resources Episode 142: Structured Literacy in Small Group TimeEpisode 143:... more
FROM JULY 7, 2023 Today we talk about fluency and assessment with Jan Hasbrouck. She shares tips and tricks... more
Is your district adopting a new English language arts/literacy curriculum? Have you wondered how to tell if an ELA curriculum... more
FROM JULY 14, 2023 What if you could unlock the secrets to fluency instruction in literacy, and transform your... more
Funds of Knowledge are the skills and knowledge gained by daily routines and practices, as well as cultural and historical... more
FROM AUGUST 4, 2023 What if the key to unlocking your students' reading comprehension could be found through a... more
Are You Adopting a New ELA Curriculum? Where Do You Start? One place to start your curriculum adoption journey... more
From October 21, 2021 Kory Jensen is a 4th grade teacher in Colorado, obsessed with learning more about... more
A curriculum evaluation tool that helps teachers, leaders, and parents, determine if a curriculum meets high quality standards or not.... more
Today we talk to educator and author Molly Ness about intentionally planning for read-alouds. Molly will share an easy to... more
What is a read aloud? It is very common to see early childhood and elementary school teachers reading... more
From July 30, 2021 To connect with a practitioner lens, Duke (alongside Ward & Pearson) also penned The... more
What is dysgraphia? The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association defines dysgraphia as referring to difficulty with either language or spelling-based aspects... more
Today talk to researcher Tiffany Hogan about language comprehension. We’ll start with the Simple View of Reading, exploring the relationship... more
What is Developmental Language Disorder, or DLD? Developmental Language Disorder is a brain-based neurodevelopmental diversity - such as... more
From October 7, 2022 In this episode, we talk with former balanced literacy teacher and parent, Missy Purcell. She... more
Nadine Gaab, Associate Professor of Education at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, joins us on the podcast to talk... more
From September 30, 2022 Dr. J. Richard Gentry, Dyslexia Expert and the “Guru of Spelling,” joins us on... more
Ever wondered why reading isn't as natural as speech? Carolyn Strom, an accomplished early literacy expert, reveals that unlike speech,... more
Resources CleverNoodleInternational Dyslexia AssociationGaab Lab Student Achievement The Reed Charitable FoundationLETRS Training We answer your questions about teaching... more
From May 2022 Kim Lockhart, Canadian French immersion teacher and special educator in Kingston, Ontario, shares how she meets... more
Listen Again from July 9, 2019: A teacher's perspective on curriculum implementation is invaluable... and today, we have not ONE,... more
It's our first CALL IN EPISODE! Teachers voices are so important in this reading science movement. We asked teachers... more
Crystal Lenhart is a literacy coach who developed a resource that clearly and transparently explains to families and caregivers how... more
Ever wondered how to navigate the complex world of reading research as an educator? Get ready for a great conversation... more
Ever wonder how to decipher the Science of Reading or how to evaluate a curriculum that claims to be founded... more
Imagine transforming the way you teach reading. Picture your students not just passively consuming the written word, but actively producing... more
What if the key to unlocking your students' reading comprehension could be found through a deeper understanding of the intricate... more
Ever thought about the power of words? Join us as we discuss our most requested topic of all time: vocabulary.... more
Ever wondered how the fascinating world of words impacts our lives? Join us as we sit down with linguist and... more
What if you could unlock the secrets to fluency instruction in literacy, and transform your students into confident and skilled... more
Today we talk about fluency and assessment with Jan Hasbrouck. She shares tips and tricks for how to to best... more
What if we told you that the science of reading is just as applicable to multilingual learners as it is... more
In today’s episode, Julie Washington discusses how literacy learning can be supported by language variations. Reading and language are intertwined.... more
Secondary educators have students in their classrooms who weren’t taught to read. Because of these reading deficits, students likely... more
We talked with the fabulously candid Tim Shanahan about his recent blog post Prior Knowledge, or He Isn't Going to... more
Our conversation today illuminates a hot topic in reading - skills and strategies. What’s the difference? Peter Afflerbach, researcher and... more
We had the opportunity to talk (again!) with Natalie Wexler about tips for effective remote learning (read her full article... more
What is Phonemic Awareness? It’s one component of your literacy instruction. Phonemic awareness means understanding that spoken words are made... more
Why is teaching reading so important? Melissa and Lori have a conversation with Louisa Moats grounded in this article: Teaching... more
In this episode, we’ll discuss an approach to teaching foundational skills known as speech to print. The speech to print... more
Dr. Sonia Cabell, Associate Professor at Florida State University, shares the importance of both oral language and content knowledge instruction.... more
Robert Pondiscio, Senior Fellow at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), asserts that reading comprehension is NOT a skill. Yes, good... more
In this episode, researcher Hugh Catts discusses his pivotal piece titled Rethinking How to Promote Reading Comprehension | American Federation... more
Pamela Snow, professor at Latrobe University in Australia, discusses the arguments that keep surfacing when educators are resistant to move... more
In this episode, Melissa and Lori have a candid discussion about change with Kareem Weaver, co-founder of FULCRUM Oakland: Full... more
We want the shift to reading science to be permanent, not perceived as another ‘educational pendulum swing.’ To do this,... more
The article Placing Text at the Center of the Standards-Aligned ELA Classroom is a must-read before or after listening to... more
Today we’ll be talking to a team of authors about a recent article they published on small group instruction, titled... more
In this episode, Lindsay Kemeny, 2nd grade teacher, gives a deep dive into her evidence-based, small group instruction time. Her... more
In today’s episode, we discuss the structure and content of the literacy block. How can we teach using structured literacy... more
Ep. 22: Dr. Sonja Santelises joined us to discuss why she saw the urgent need for change in Baltimore City... more
What does it take to disrupt the "way it has always been done"? Dr. Ernie Ortiz, Senior Literacy Engagement Specialist... more
We are honored to talk with two early grade veteran teachers from Vista Peak Exploratory in Aurora, CO. Vista Peak... more
In today’s episode, we talk with a teacher and interventionist from Blount County, TN, Erin Metz. She provides an in... more
LISTEN AGAIN | FROM JULY 31, 2019 Today we are live with Natalie Wexler, the author of The Knowledge Gap:... more
In today’s episode, we discuss knowledge and vocabulary as critical components of reading comprehension. We hear from author and professor... more
Ep. 115: Kindergarten TEAM Reaches (nearly) 100% Success Using Evidence-Based Practices Kristin Poppens IS BACK! In this episode, she shares... more
Ep. 113: Reading is Rocket Science with Louisa Moats Why is teaching reading so important? Melissa and Lori have... more
Ep. 108: From 13% to 100% Literacy Proficiency with School Leader Angie Hanlin Angie Hanlin, current Superintendent in Wisconsin, led... more
Ep. 117: The Writing Revolution with Authors Judith Hochman and Natalie Wexler The Writing Revolution authors, Judith Hochman and... more
Ep. 120: Research-Based Routines for Developing Decoding Skills with Julia Lindsey Talking with Dr. Julia Lindsey is like popping... more
Today we’ll be sharing what you can expect for 2023! We’re so excited to have created such an incredible... more
In today’s Feel Good Friday episode, we talk with Shaheer Mustafa, President and CEO of Hopewell Inc, and Amy Schneider,... more
In today’s Feel Good Friday episode, we talk with Deidra Mayberry, Executive Director of the nonprofit, Reading to New Heights,... more
In today's Feel Good Friday episode, we talk with Steven Shadel, Director of Great Minds Virtual School. He tells us... more
In this episode, we talk with a team of educators who made Eureka Math Squared decodable, readable, and accessible for... more
In today’s Feel Good Friday episode, we talk with Shaheer Mustafa, President and CEO of Hopewell Inc, and Amy Schneider, vice president,... more