Susto is the podcast of ooky-spooky scary stories centered around the folklore of Latin American and Hispanic cultures. Hosted by Adrian...or Ayden.... more
Life is a scary story! In this episode, Ayden interviews author of Ghostly Ghastly Tales, Anastasia Garcia.Want to share your... more
In this episode, Ayden shares the legend of a cave dwelling, giant ape-like creature with backwards feet that kidnaps women... more
🎶There's a she-wolf in the closet!🎵 In this episode, Ayden shares a Susto Original based on the legend of Luisón,... more
Walk a mile in these Louboutins! In this episode, Ayden tells the story of La Taconuda, a legend from Honduras... more
Sweet as a peach! In this episode, Ayden tells the story of Ruperta Estrada Durazno, a curandera who lived to... more
In this episode, Ayden discusses El Niño Fidencio, a Mexican curandero who gained fame in the late 1920s for his... more
A revolutionary insurgent, a pageant queen, a folk healer. Teresa Urrea is a true baddie. In this episode, Ayden shares... more
🎶 It's a small underworld after all! 🎶 In this conversation, Ayden interviews Steven dos Santos, a writer and college... more
Chronic headaches? Don Pedro Jaramillo has the cure for you! Tomatoes in your shoes! In this episode, Ayden shares the... more
Hi do you have an appointment? In this episode, Ayden ventures into the centuries old practice of Curanderismo.Want to share... more
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