Each episode brings a scary new tale, performed by our band of actors at Acast's studio. So sit back, and witness our... more
A young man prepares to start a new life away from his housebound siblings. But they are not what they... more
When Doctor Echols is interviewed for a position at Clivemore Hospital, he discovers a deadly secret that could endanger the... more
Buster is a happy dog. But when his owner begins showing affection for another dog, Buster's cruel and possessive nature... more
Jack and Bea's new life in Portugal isn't as exciting as they'd hoped. What could bring excitement back to their... more
When Emma Hunter, aspiring YouTuber, investigates the secrets of Bath Abbey, she must decide whether to pursue a mysterious voice... more
Each episode brings a scary new tale, performed by our band of actors at Acast's studio. So sit back, and... more
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